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"So your dad lost one million won and has to return half of it to his company since he borrowed some from them?"

JIAO TURNED TO SHANCAI WITH shock as she continued packing her belongings and grabbing her books. Ever since their first class had started, Jiao noticed that Shancai wasn't as cheery or happy as she usually was during the morning and instead looked worried and even scared. Jiao wondered what was going on with Shancai but wasn't able to talk to her or ask her throughout their class, so she waited once class was over and then approached her to figure out what was going on and that's when she was told the truth about the problem she and her parents were in back at home. Shancai told Jiao how her dad had invested all his money and some money from the company he worked at and somehow lost all of it. Because of that, he owed his company half of the investment he made which was one million won and if he didn't return the money soon then he'd be in a lot of trouble.

"Yeah I don't know what to do. My mom is so stressed and worried, I've never seen her like this before." Shancai explained furthermore.

Jiao frowned. She knew Shancais family wasn't exactly the most richest or wealthiest so losing one million won and having to return half of it must've been a lot for them to handle, especially her parents. Jiao knew if she were in Shancais positions and the roles were reversed then she would've been really stressed out, which's why she decided to help her out.

"I can return it for you." Jiao suggested but Shancai quickly shook her head, and dismissed the offer.

"No, it wouldn't be right. Plus then I'd have to return the money to you." she explained as the two began exiting their class and walking down the empty corridors of Mingde.

"You know I wouldn't make you do that, plus you'd probably do the same for me if our positions were reversed."

"Yeah I know, but still." Shancai sighed, "I don't know what to do."

As the two continued to walk in silence, Jiao racked her head to come up with an idea to help her friend out. She knew because of how humble Shancai was, she'd never accept the money from Jiao, no matter how hard she tried to convince her so she tried thinking of something else. She tried thinking of a way to help her when it suddenly hit her,

"Why dont you enter a competition that gives the winner money as the prize?" Jiao suggested.

Shancai creased her forehead, "A competition? Like what?"

"Anything, it can be a cooking one or even an art one. Just enter one that's happening in this area and make sure that the winning prize is a cash or money." she explained.

Shancai nodded, "You're right, but what competition is happening in this area." she asked and the two thought for a while wondering what competition Shancai could enter when Kiaria approached the two.

"Hey guys, what're you two talking about?" Kiaria asked as she ate a Popsicle.

"Hey, nothing much. Shancai needs some money so we're talking about how she can enter a competition that gives the winner a cash prize."

Kiaria grinned, "Really? Then you should totally enter the annual beauty pageant!" she exclaimed.

"Beauty pageant?" Shancai asked in confusion.

"Yeah it happens every three years at the main Shanghai Center. The pageant itself will be held in two weeks, but you have time to sign up till the end of Wednesday."

Jiao smiled. She thought entering this beauty pageant was a great idea. Although she'd never participated in one herself, her sister's and Kiaria had plenty of times and she'd attended as well as helped prepare them for each one of them, so she was sure that this one wouldn't be any different.

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