Until Next Time - Part 5

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Bella panted, heaving over as she was standing before a small home. The bard leaned her hands on her knees, bending over while gasping for air.

She had been running around the village, asking anyone in her sight for Sato's home. Most of the time, the villagers looked at her like she was a madman and shuffled away. Some were polite enough to point her in the general direction, that or they just wanted to get rid of her.

It had taken all of Bella's courage to talk to people. Her words would always come out shaky as her hands became sweaty and clammy. Maybe she should've thought this through more.

But as Minerva was telling them about the former captain, Bella just couldn't help but want to know him better. Yes, he is probably a murderer but... it's not like Bella's survived being around murderers before.

The bard coughed one last time, standing straight. The back of her neck immediately turned into a cold sweat as she stared at the wooden door. The door was... intimidating. Silent but dark. Damn, she was getting scared shitless from a door.

Bella shakingly reached for the door knob but then realized, no, you don't just attempt to open stranger's doors. So she closed her hand, preparing to knock.

Her hand froze just inches away from making contact.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

No, no, it definitely was a bad idea.

But, Bella wanted so badly to improve her swordfighting. She knows Minerva was always willing to teach her. Minerva has been a wonderful teacher but... the knight herself was still young. Minerva also had a lot on her plate at the moment, Bella didn't want to add more onto that.

With a jittery leg, Bella gently knocked.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

She stood there, silently waiting while sweating buckets.

Maybe he didn't hear?

Tap. Tap- Thud.

Again, no response.

Perhaps no one was home.

One last time.

Knock. Knock. Kno-

The door cracked open a bit, a piercing dark eye looked at Bella. The bard clamped her mouth shut, suddenly losing any lasting confidence she had. Not that she had much to begin with.

"What?" A voice said, it was deep and gruff.

Bella gulped, smelling the strong scent of alcohol.

"Um, my n-name is Bella-"

"Great, nice to meet you," He said sarcastically, eyes staring blankly at her, "Now go away."

He went to close the door, but the door stopped.

Bella let out a pained cry as her foot was stopping the door from closing. The bard ignored the pain, quickly saying, "Are you Sato? Mr. Sato?"

The man didn't say anything.

She'll take that as a maybe.

"I'm a, uh, bard. But I want to learn sword fighting, I've already learned the basics from my friend from I want to become stronger in order to protect my friends!" She stepped back, bowing her head as her hands clenched at her side. "Please teach me!"

Her eyes were shut, ears listening to nothing but the call of nature. There was a long silence the fell. Bella looked up, nervously gulping as the man stared at her unimpressed through the cracked door.

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