Glass and Bandages

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"And then she had the nerve to tell me to keep my dog on my side of the yard!" He exclaimed and I cracked up.

Sam and I decided to have a movie night since Michael had let him stay late tonight. Except I wouldn't really call it a movie night since we were barely even watching the movie. We were too busy telling each other funny stories.

While in the middle of a mini laughing fit, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I opened it up and saw a text from Finn.

Where r u? I'm outside

Shoot! I had forgotten all about Finn. It was only 8:00 and we still had another movie to watch after this one. I quickly sent a reply back.

I'll be right there!

"I forgot to do something. I'll be right back! Stay right there." I said, getting up from the couch. Sam nodded and turned his attention back towards the TV.

As soon as I'm back in my room I run to the window and open it up.

"I'm so sorry! I got caught up with something." I told him as he climbed into my room.

"It's all good. You ready to go?" He said, waving it off.

"Oh um... Actually I can't." I admitted.

"You can't? Since when do you ever have plans?" He joked.

"I actually have a new friend. Someone that Micheal actually likes! So I'm hanging out with him right now." I said.

"Oh okay. Doesn't that sound a little suspicious? Michael never lets you hang with anyone." He said and I shrugged.

"Sam is really nice."

"Sam?" He looked at his feet. If I didn't know better I would think he was jealous.

"Yeah. My dad wanted me to have someone to hangout with, so he brought Sam over and he's actually really fun." I explained and Finn scoffed.

"Whatever. I am coming back tommorow though. Sam or no Sam, you're coming with me." He ordered with a laugh before climbing back out my window.

I breathed out a sigh of relief and went back downstairs. Sam was still in the same spot. He was absorbed in the movie and stuffing popcorn into his mouth. I took it as the perfect opportunity to scare the crap out of him.

I tip toed over to side of the couch and yelled "BOO!" Really loud in his ear. The scream that came out of him was hysterical and strangely girly. I started cracking up and then realized that there was popcorn all over the floor and couch.

"Okay, we need to get this cleaned up before my dad murders us." I said in between laughter. Sam smirked and kicked his feet up on the foot rest.

"Well, get cleaning!" He said, now he was the one laughing.

"Don't be like my father." I glared at him, and he only laughed harder.

"You're technically the one who made this mess." He joked, but still didn't get up to help. I let out a low chuckle.

"I'm getting you back for this." I growled under my breath, as I took the vacuum cleaner out of the cleaning closet.

"Woah woah woah, that is not fair. I'm getting you back right now, by making you clean this." He responded.

"Wanna bet?" I smirked at him, and he laughed at me.

"Oh, it's on." He smirked back.

I finished vacuuming the living room quickly, just as the end credits come on. Sam puts the new disk in right away and I sit down on the couch next to him.

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