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Although it may seem simple, love is very complex. It can be a beautiful thing that changes your whole world for the better.

Or it can be a horrible thing the tears your world down to shreds. It's all a matter of circumstance and situation.


When I was a young teenager love wasn't on my mind all that often. I was a young girl who wanted to be a hero, that was my dream and that was how I wanted to spend my life. That was until I met him.

There was this boy. Although he seemed stern and serious at first, I fell for him. I never thought I had a chance with a guy like him, but maybe by fait, we became close friends.

He told me about the story's of his past. They made me tear up. I felt so sorry for the poor boy sitting in front of me. He told me not to be sad. He said it was in the past and he wanted to move toward from that time.

After that it seemed as though as time went by this boy and I grew closer and closer. Everyone around started to notice. We didn't go to the same school, but the word seemed to get around about me and my dear friend.

One day as he was leaving my house I let something slip off my tongue. The words I love you left my mouth. I covered it quickly and prayed that he didn't hear it.

My hopes were shattered as he froze and turned back to look at me. I covered my face as to not look at him. I felt hands grab my wrist and pulled them down. I looked up to see him starting down at me.

Without a second to spare he connected our lips. Fireworks seemed to go off around us. I was stuck in a mixture of shock and happiness.

After our lips parted he told me, "I love you too, you don't know how long I've wanted to tell you that."

We started dating after that day. The days flew by so quickly after that. Everyday was spent with him, and I couldn't have asked for anything better.

I realized what I truly wanted in this world. It wasn't to become a famous hero. That was just the dream of a child that hadn't felt the feelings of love and compassion. All I truly wanted was to be with him.

I wanted a happy and fun life with him. He seemed to want the same thing. After that I changed my studies in school, but we came across a problem. Although he did want a perfect happy life, he still had his hero dream.

That was something I couldn't take from him no matter how much I wanted to. We decided to compromise. He would continue his studies and become a pro hero, and I will find a job I love and we'll both always come home to each other everyday.

Before we knew it we were both graduating. It felt like my highschool years went by in a flash, but it was time well spent. Not long after graduation he became a pro hero.

We bought a cute apartment together where we began our lives. Everyday wasn't perfect, but we made the most out of everything we could.

Sounds nice right?

Doesn't it seem as though this story is too good to be true?

Well that's probably because it was.

That day was just like every other day.

I was waiting for my dear boyfriend to return home. When it was getting late and he still hadn't arrived I began to worry.

That's when I got a call.

The words that left that persons mouth and ran into my head left like a gun shot piercing through someone's heart.

I dropped the phone, not believing what I had just heard.

My boyfriend was strong. His quirk was strong. I never worried about him not coming home safely.

Somehow, he was killed in the line of duty.

A villain had murdered my true love. My one and only.

I fell to the ground.

Silent tears rolling down my face for
I hadn't wanted to move, because if I moved or spoke it meant this was really happening. He was actually dead.

I finally forced myself to come to reality by saying a few quivery words.

"N-no, p-please. T-tell m-me this i-isn't t-true. P-please c-come b-back."

The back of my head hit the floor before I even knew it. The silent tears continued to stream down.

"P-please you c-can't l-leave m-me. I n-need y-you. C-come b-back, p-please come b-back."

Saying his name felt as if I was pushing the knife deeper into my chest, but I knew I had to say it.

"P-please T-todoroki, I n-need y-you."



A feeling that I only felt through feeling love first.

The two emotions seem to get caught up in each much too often.

Both are opposites, and will change your story for better or worse.

My story was too good to be true.

Now I know this seems like it's the end.

It seems like my perfect life story ended with a sad ending.

But I assure you this is not where my story ended.

This is where my story began...

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