21 1 2

Play this song when it says to in this chapter, or just play it in the background if you'd like

Eventually Bakuguo had to leave. I headed back to my apartment. By then the sky was starting to turn pink. I stared out the window for awhile, just watching the skies beauty.

I looked over to the kitchen. I bit my lip as deciding if I should make dinner tonight. What's even the point, I won't be able to keep it down anyways.

Just as I finished my thought, I heard the quiet "ding" of my phone. I pulled it from my pocket to see who texted me. It was an unknown number. I raised an eyebrow as I opened up my phone to see what it said.

It read, hey this is Bakuguo, not sure if you saved my number or not. But I just wanted to make sure you get something to eat. You could really use it.

I smiled down at the text on my phone. I replied with, ok I'll make sure to eat something, thank you Bakuguo

A few minutes later Bakuguo replied with, yeah whatever dumbass.

I walked over to the kitchen. I decided to just have a chicken sandwich and some fruit. It wasn't much but it was still something. And for the first time in awhile, I didn't feel sick after eating.

I checked the time after I finished dinner. It was only about 6:30. The sky was still slightly peaking over the buildings around my apartment. Well I don't have much to do. Maybe I should clean up a little bit.

I haven't kept great care of the house for quite awhile. It's wasn't horribly dirty, but it could be better.

After I vacuumed and dusted most the house, it was already looking way better. There was a few old boxes up in the closet I decided to go through. Most the stuff was my old school stuff. I pulled down one of the boxes and started going through it.

I had gone through all the boxes but one. Up until then I hadn't found anything overly special, but that was until I opened up the last box.

On top there was just some old cloth, so I didn't think anything of it. I pulled the cloth out, that's when my eyes went wide. My hands started shaking.

Inside the box was probably four or five old records. To any other person these probably wouldn't mean much, but to me they held very important memories. Memories I had pushed away in my mind, for they were to painful to think about.

Flash back

"Hey honey!" I said happily as I entered our home. Shoto was sitting on the couch, watching the tv. When he heard me enter the house, he immediately stood up from where he sat. He walked over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss.

"How was the store sweetie?" He asked.

"It was good, you'll never guess what I got." I set the bags of groceries down. From one of them I pulled out a stack of records.

"What are these for?" Shoto asked confused.

"There for us to dance. We have that old record player that never gets used. Let's try it out!"

Shoto just laughed.

"You always have the craziest ideas don't you?"

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