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I couldn't see anything around me. My world was surrounded by blackness. Suddenly the place I was in started to become very hot very fast.

Sweat started dripping from my face. I began to run in any direction. I quickly became out of breathe. I fell to my knees panting. After a few deep breathes, I went to stand again, but I couldn't. My legs felt like they were glued to the floor.

As I was trying to heave myself back up, I froze in my place. I felt two large arms wrap around my waist from behind. A head was then place on my shoulder.

I slightly looked over to see who this person was. My eyes went wide immediately. I quickly noticed the familiar black spiky hair and dark burn scares. Dabi sat there smiling.

"Aw why so scared little mouse?" He asked in a taunting voice, a evil grinned followed it. Before I could even comprehend what was happening to me, I became much hotter.

I looked down to see Davis hands filled with blue flames. I screamed and tried my hardest to pulled away from his reached. It was no good however, he was much stronger then me.

I coughed as the smoke around me started to fill my lungs. The burning feeling around my waist was unbearable. Tears fell down my face. My world then became filled with the sight of deep blue flames.


My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up. I looked around at my surroundings. I quickly learned I was in my bedroom. I looked to the small alarm clock that sat on my bedside table. It read 5:17 am.

My head fell back down to my pillow. It was just a dream. I wasn't too freaked out over it, since I was expecting it after all. I sighed knowing I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep.

I sat up from my bed and heading to the kitchen. It was still pretty dark outside, so I tried my best not to run into anything on the way there. Oh that's right. I'm going out to dinner with Bakuguo tonight. I wonder what I should wear?

Time skip

At some point in the day I decided on what to wear to dinner. I didn't want anything too fancy, but I also wanted to look nice. I decided on a shirt black skirt pairs with a long sleeved white shirt.

 I decided on a shirt black skirt pairs with a long sleeved white shirt

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For hair I just left it normal and did some light makeup. I looked over at the time that read 5:50 pm. A minute later I heard a knock come from the door. I quickly walked over to open it.

There stood Bakuguo on the other side of the door. He wore black pants with a black button up. He wore his usually frown until his eyes caught me. They went wide for a moment before returning to normal.

"You look nice." He said as he scratched the back of his neck. I giggled a little ay his actions.

"Thank you. You look very nice as well." This time he laughed a little.

"Alright, you ready to go?" He asked. I shook my head responding "yes". I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. Bakuguo and I walked side by side as we left the building and walked down the sidewalk. The restaurant wasn't very far, so we decided to walk.

We didn't say much as we walked, it was kind of nice however. It didn't feel awkward or anything. The atmosphere around us never felt awkward. It always felt...comforting you could say.

Once we reached the restaurant we were quickly seated. We had a table for two next the the window. The view was pretty nice. The waiter took our drinks order and left, leaving us to talk alone.

"Really Bakuguo, I don't think I could ever thank you enough for everything. Without you I'd probably be dead right now."

"Hey don't mention it really. It's the least I could do." Bakuguo said averting his eyes from mine.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Ah it's nothing. So what are you gonna order?" He asked. I quickly forgot about our other conversation as I looked down to the menu.

"Mmm probably the sirloin." I said. Bakuguo smiled.

"Good choice. I'll probably just the get the burger."

"Oh by the way I'm paying for all this." I spoke up. Bakuguo lowered his menu to face me. He wore a annoyed face.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me. It's the least I can do to thank you."

"Oh cmon you know that's not necessary. I'll pay." He said. This time I frowned.

"No I'm gonna pay." I stated. Bakuguo huffed.

"Fine how about we spilt it, but just this time." He offered. I wasn't satisfied, but I didn't want to argue so I agreed.

As the dinner went on, I was actually having a great time. We talked about stuff from our pasts. I could tell Bakuguo was trying hard to avoid talk of Shoto for my sake, and I'm thankful that he cares that much.

We finished our food and paid. It was getting pretty late by the time we were done, but we had a small problem. Bakuguo had had one too many to drink. He wasn't like super drunk, but he'd probably have a hard time finding his way home.

"Here Bakuguo I'll walk you home." I offered.

"N-no no really it's f-fine. I'll be f-fine." He rambled out. I laughed a little.

"I've learned that walking home alone while your drunk is not a good idea. Cmon let's go." I said grabbing his hand to pull him out.

"F-fine, but just this once."

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