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After I stood there dumbfounded for awhile, I snapped back into reality. I quickly ran back in the direction Bakuguo went. I hope he's not hurt.

I wasn't sure what I was planning to do once I got there, but I couldn't just stand back and watch. I had hero training from back in school. I knew I could help in some way.

When I arrived I was expecting to see Bakuguo trying to fight off the league of villains. When I arrived however, I was more shocked than I expected to be.

There was no chaos around me, as it was only minutes ago. No explosions, no screaming, I didn't even see any of the villains. All I saw were a few bystanders around staring at the destruction that was caused.

I stood there with my eyebrows raised and mouth opening, trying to figure out how all this was dealt with so quickly. A second later I heard someone yell out.

"Hey look! That's the girl they took hostage on the building!" I snapped my head in the direction the voice came from. Suddenly multiple people surrounded me.

It was mostly reporters wanting to ask me questions. There was a few bystanders who were curious as well.

"Miss miss, what exactly happened!?"

"Did they hurt you?!"

"What did it feel like to be kept hostage by the league of villains?!"

There were multiple cameras and microphones being pushed in my face. The flash of cameras were going off very second as well. I was completely surrounded, so I could barely even move.

I've never been the most outgoing person. I've always been pretty introverted, but ever since I lost Shoto it's gotten much worse. I get extremely bad social anxiety.

A lot of times it's hard to even have a conversation with a stranger. Or course it happens though. There's been a few times when someone recognized me as Shoto's girlfriend. We had been seen before together out and about.

Those were the hardest conversations to have with people. I know they always meant well, but I could help wanting to cry right there in front of everyone. That's another reason I barley left the house. Everything was just too hard.

"I-I, uh, um," I stumbled over my words trying to answer one of the questions at a time. The shouting and talking over each other only continued.

I felt myself start to panic. My breathing became much heavier. I felt my body begin to heat up, and I could see the water begin to build up in my eyes. I wanted to be a corner somewhere crying. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I was about to snap when I heard something.

Not too far from the group came a shout.

"Hey dumbassess!" Someone yelled. It was quite loud, as it was heard over several other people yelling. The group surrounding me went quiet and looked to where the yell came from.

Standing not far from us was none other than Bakuguo. He looked seriously pissed off. He walked a little closer to the group. A few whispers could be heard.

No way it's ground zero!

Wow he's even cooler in person!

The whispers went silent as he spoke up again.

"Can't you people see your making this lady uncomfortable! She just went through something traumatic, and you're all just making it worse! Now give her some space before I blow you all to pieces!" Bakuguo yelled.

The crowd around me quickly separated. Now I could fully see Bakuguo from where I stood. I stopped holding my shaking body and ran towards him.

Without even thinking, I jumped into his arms. I'm not sure what came over me, but it just felt right. Behind me I could here gasped and the flash from cameras. I didn't really care in the moment however.

Bakuguo seemed shocked at first, but he quickly grabbed me in his arms, holding me off the ground. I could feel the tears fall down my cheeks. I hugged onto him even tighter.

"Th-thank you." I managed to spit out. This time he hugged me back tighter.

"Yeah of course." He said with a small laugh. After a minute he set me down. I looked around to still see many reporters and bystanders. They were now all staring right at us. I wiped the tears from my face out of embarrassment.

"Cmon, let's get you back to your place." Bakuguo whispered to me. I just nodded my head and grabbed onto his arm.

We started walking back in the direction of my apartment.

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