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I checked the whether for today. Since it was about fall season, it was pretty chilly outside. I decided to wear a sweater with some leggings. I paired it with a beanie hat as well.

By the time I was ready, it had nearly been an hour. I quickly grabbed all my stuff and ran out the door.

I walked down the street. A small wind blew through my hair as I walked. There was a smell of autumn in the air. Autumn use to be my favorite season. That was until a year ago. I lost Shoto around this time last year.

We use to do all kinds of fun stuff in the fall. Looking back on those time made me smile, but also want to cry. I've said it before, but it's all just bitter sweet. My heart aches to think he's not here with me, but I also don't want to forget all the amazing times we had together.

Before I knew it I reached the coffee shop. I recollect myself before walking in. As I entered the deep smell of coffee hit my nose. I looked around and saw ashy blond hair sitting at a table. I walked over to him with a smile.

"Tch, took you long enough." He scolded. I just kept smiling as I sat down.

"Nice to see you to Bakuguo." His frown remained on his face as he didn't say anything. There was a awkward moment of silence. I finally broke the silence with the question on my mind.

"So...what happened after I left the bar last night?" This seemed to make Bakuguo a little uneasy. He looked around the shop, probably to make sure others weren't around. There was some other in the place, but we were pretty far away from everyone.

Bakuguo sighed.

"Look I'm just gonna tell you straight up what happened. You were roofied last night. The guy followed you out of the bar and was gonna...do stuff until I showed up. I took care of him and took you back home."

Bakuguo looked up at me. My eyes must of looked terrified, because he instantly looked worried. I felt my eyes go glossy. I wouldn't let any tears fall however. It's not what Shoto would want. He would want me to strong.

"Thank you Bakuguo. I'm very glad you were there to help and take me back home." I reached across the table and gave him a hug. He slightly froze from the sudden contact. He felt so warm. Much like Shoto's left side.

I pulled away to see a blushing Bakuguo. I giggled a little as I sat back down.

"Listen y/n, there's a little more to the story." He said. I raised an eyebrow as he continued.

"So, after I took you back to your place you were pretty out of it. I put you down in your bed and I was about to leave, but you asked me to stay. You said you didn't want the nightmares to come back. So I...I stayed with you, and I left in the morning while you were still asleep. I'm sorry."

I looked down at the table. I couldn't be mad at him. It was me who asked him to stay. I also didn't have any nightmares last night, but how could I do that. It's way to soon to move on. Actually I don't know if I'll ever move on. Nevertheless this wasn't his fault.

"It's alright Bakuguo. I'm not mad. Thank you for helping me out and listening to me. Just so you know last night was the first time in a year that I slept with no nightmares. So thank you." I looked back up to him and gave a small smile. He smiled a little to.

"That's a relief. Will you also please tell your husband that I'm sorry. I know he'll probably be mad, so let me take the blame."

My face morphed into pure confusion. I raised an eyebrow even hauteur then before.

"Sorry but I don't have a husband." I said. This made Bakuguo confused.

"Then why do you wear a ring?" He asked.

I looked down at my hand. A shining ring sat on my ring finger. Somehow through all this I forgot I wore it. This made my face sadden deeply. I looked back to Bakuguo.

"Maybe we should go somewhere a little more private. I'll tell you everything if you even care." He just nodded. I grabbed his arm and walked out of the shop. Back in the direction of my house.

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