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We walked into a room full of flashy lights and blaring music. I could already tell this wouldn't be very fun. Nonetheless I put a smile on my face and gave it a shot at having a good time.

We all ordered some drinks then Momo and Uraraka pulled me to the dance floor. For awhile it was pretty fun. I hadn't danced in ages but I looked absolutely ridiculous. Us three girls laughed at each other's attempts to dance.

I was actually enjoying myself, but Todoroki kept coming back to mind. I felt guilty having a good time when he wasn't here. We use to love to dance and sing together.

When a slow song came on the speakers my face immediately saddened. The girls said they were gonna find some guys to dance with and asked if I wanted to as well. I just shook my head no and walked off to the bar.

I took a seat and ordered another drink. I sighed as I made the drink swirl around in the glass using my quirk.

My quirk is called liquid manipulation. I can control and manipulate any kind of liquid substance. I can also make water come from my hands.

It always worked well with Todoroki's quirk. I would manipulate the water into shapes then he would freeze it. Or I would shoot the water at something while he heated it to a boiling temperatures.

We would have made a good team as hero's. If only I hadn't quit training. Maybe I would have been there to save him that night. I could hav-


My thoughts were interrupted by someone sitting down in the sit next to me. If it was any normal person I wouldn't have thought twice about them, but this guy really seemed to have a presences.

He had spiky ash blond hair, and crimson red eyes. He seemed to be angry about something. I didn't bother to asked.

Not long after another guy sat on the other side of me. He seemed around my age. He was also clearly drunk, and he was sitting a little too close for comfort.

"Heyy babygirl~ why don't we get out of here and head back to my place." The drunk guy said getting even closer. I slightly pushed him.

"No thank you, I'm good."

"Ah cmon babe. Don't you wanna see what a real man can show you?"

"Again thank you but I'll pass."

I moved to stand up only for that guy to grab I'm wrist. I yanked it away.

"Don't touch me!" I said defensively. The guy seemed to be sobering up now he looked pissed.

"Come now that wasn't very nice!" He said angrily. He grabbed my wrist again only this time much harder. I winced in pain slightly. He was about to pulled me off somewhere when a loud voice made him stop.

"Hey dumbass!! Can't you see she doesn't want to go with you. So just let her go idiot." It was the blond man who was sitting in the other side of me. He looked quite pissed off as well.

The man holding my wrist let go and walked up to the blond man.

"And who the fuck do you think you are huh?" The drunk man was slightly shorter then the blond one, but it was obvious he was looking for a fight.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Katsuki Bakuguo, and your gonna leave right the fuck now or I'm gonna toast your ass."

The blond man held out his hand to show it make a small explosion. The drunk man seemed to regret his actions up to this point. He mumbled to himself before putting his head low and walking off.

I looked back to the blond guy who I now knew as Katsuki Bakuguo. He was just starring in the direction that guy went. I walked up to him.

"Thank you so much for that. Things could have gone very bad if you weren't here. I appreciate it."

Bakuguo just looked at me then looked away again.

"Tch whatever dumbass. Next time don't go out wearing stuff so revealing, your basically asked for it."

Before I could say another word he walked off into the crowd.

"So he's not much of a people person I see." I said allowed to myself.

After a moment I walked off to find Momo and Uraraka. On my walk I got to thinking. Hm Katsuki Bakuguo, where have I heard that name before?

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