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I sped walk as I dragged Bakuguo down the street.

"Hey dumbass where are we going?" He asked. I turned my head to look at him as I kept walking. I gave him a slight death glare. That seemed to get the point across as he stopped frowning at me and looked in any other direction. I turned my head forward again as I answered his question.

"We're going back to my house. That's the only place I feel safe talking about this. Also you need to work on your social skills. Calling ladies dumbasses is pretty rude ya know."

"Tch whatever," was all he said.

I continued down the route back to my house. Eventually we made it to the front doors of the apartment complex. I pulled out my keys to open the door. We quickly walked in and headed up the stairs. We pasted by each floor as we went up.

"Wait, isn't your apartment on the floor we just passed?" Bakuguo asked.

"Yes it is, but we're not going there. We're going up to the roof."

Soon after that we reached the door that led to the roof. I let go of Bakuguo's arm as we felt the fall wind hit our faces. I walked up to the edge of the building. I took a seat letting my feet dangle off the edge. Soon after Bakuguo did the same.

There was a awkward silence for awhile. As I was trying to find the right words to say. Eventually Bakuguo spoke up.

"Listen if you don't want to talk about whatever this is, that's okay it's really none of my business."

"No it's fine, you did save me after all. And besides I really should talk to someone about this. I've kept all this in for so long now." I said. Bakuguo didn't say anything. Indicating he was listening. I took a big sigh before beginning.

"I don't have a boyfriend, and I was never engaged." I could already feel the tears building up in my eyes. Bakuguo seemed confused.

"Well I guess I should say I don't have a boyfriend anymore. I had a boyfriend from all the way back in Highschool. We lasted all through it and moved in together. He was a pro hero, I'd say one of the best. I never worried too much about him and his work. That was until that night." I didn't realized the tears were screaming down at that point. Nonetheless I kept going.

"I got a call saying he was killed by a villain. It felt like I just lost everything I ever loved in that one moment. After that I shut down. I stopped eating right, I didn't talk to many people, and I rarely slept. I got nightmares after I lost him. I woke up every night screaming and crying." I looked down to the ring on my finger.

"I found this ring hidden in the closet a few months after he died. I couldn't even look at it for weeks. Eventually I decided I needed to wear it. Since if he wouldn't had died I would have been wearing it anyways. That night you saved me was the first time I'd been out since he died. It's been about a year now."

Once I had finished I looked to Bakuguo through my teary eyes. He seemed very shocked and sorry. That was the face everyone seems to make at me now. I could tell he was struggling to find the right words to say. Eventually he did speak up.

"I'm so sorry y/n. I had no idea you'd been through something as awful as that."

I tired my best to give a small grin.

"It's okay you had no way of knowing."

"If you don't mind me asking, who was he?"

I took a second before answering. Saying his name out loud was yet another thing that was a challenge. After a while I pushed the words out of my mouth.

"Shoto...Shoto Todoroki."

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