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My eyes slowing pried open. I sighed as I rolled out of my bed. Yet again I had another night of little sleep. The nightmares were especially bad last night. I eventually just gave up on sleep and laid there most the night.

I trudged into the bathroom. I lifted my head to see and gasped. I was a little taken back at what I saw in the mirror. I had huge dark circles under my eyes.

"Damn it! They haven't been this bad for awhile." I sighed. I undressed and hopped in the shower. I tried to run cold water over my face in hopes of helping with the dark circles. Once I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, I grew disappointed.

They were still there, just as dark as before. I gave up on trying to fix them, and instead I continued getting ready. I dried my hair and threw on some cloths.

I walked out into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Maybe today will go better with food. As I opened the fridge I realized I had little to no food. I let out a groan and steeped back.

"Today is just not my day is it?" I asked myself. I walked back into my room. Well, I might as well go out and bye some stuff. I put on some different cloths.

I grabbed my purse with all my belongings, and I walked out the door. The store wasn't far, so I decided to walk.

It was a pretty chilly day, so I tried to walk fast. Once I got to the story, I started piling food into my cart. Soon enough I had everything I thought I would need. I quickly payed and grabbed the few bags of food. I walked out of the store and started my walk home.

Someone's pov

"Hey how about her? She seems like she would work." One man said.

"Yeah sure I don't car- hm." Another said.

"What?" The first man asked.

"Nothing, that girl just looks familiar, but it doesn't matter. Go ahead and use her."


Your pov

A few dark clouds went over the sun, causing the temperature to drop, and make everything slightly darker.

As I walked, I got a bad feeling in my stomach, but I tried my best to ignore it. Suddenly this strange purple fog surrounded me.

"What the hell!" I yelled. Everything went dark for a moment, then suddenly it felt much more windy. Once I could see my surroundings, I realized I was on top of a building. Before I could even wrap my head around what was going on, someone grabbed my wrist.

I turned my head and was met with a man. A man with huge burn scares all over his face and body. My eyes widened slightly. I know who this is. This guy is with the league of villains.

"Hello miss, nice to meet you. Sorry to be so rude, but we need you." He said. He slightly yanked on my arm. I knew I had to do something and something soon.

I swiftly yanked my wrist from his grasp. As he turned around to grab me again. I turned my body 360° and kicked him in the face. He was stunned for only a moment. I tried to use that time to get a punch on his face, but he caught my hand right before it hit his face.

"That wasn't very nice was it now?" He asked sounded very pissed off. In his other hand he created blue flames. My eyes widened. I used my free hand to shoot some water at him. Causing the blue flame to go out.

He looked over to his hand in shock. He looked back at me and grinned.

"Nice try."

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