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Warning: talk of eating disorders, read with caution

Your pov

My eyes fluttered open. In those few moments of drowsiness from sleep, I felt very at peace. Although I had a pounding headache and my body ached, that was the first time I had slept with no nightmares since Shoto's passing.

I sat up with a smile on my face. That's when realization hit me. My face dropped as I looked around. I was alone in my bed, I internally sighed to myself.

How the hell did I get back to my apartment? The last thing I remember is walking out of the club.

I quickly stood up from where I was laying and ran to the kitchen. I looked at the clock on the stove top. It read 1:37 pm.

"Damn it. I've been sleeping most of the day?!" I yelled at myself. I walked back in my room, and I looked at myself in the mirror. I still had on my outfit from last night. My makeup was smudged and my hair was a mess.

I sighed to myself once again before heading to the bathroom. I took a hot shower. After that I went back to my room to check my phone. Thankfully it was sitting on the night stand.

I had a few drunk texts from Momo and Uraraka. They probably were still asleep considering they got much more drunk then me.

I dried off my hair and threw on some sweats and a t-shirt. I walked out into the living room. I starred over at the kitchen for a minute. Trying to decided if I should have some food.

I knew I should eat, but I wasn't sure if my body could keep it down. Ever since that day food just doesn't taste good. I try and try, only to throw it all back up.

There are some foods I can stuff down. I can also drink most drinks. The things that are the worse is Shoto's favorite things. Stuff like his favorite food and drink I can't even look at. The thoughts are just too unbearable.

I decided I was gonna give eating another shot today. I walked into the kitchen to make myself a fruit salad, that's when I noticed something I missed earlier.

A small note sat on the counter top. I raised one eyebrow as I picked up the small piece of paper. My eyes opened wide as I read the few words on it.

You're welcome idiot-Bakuguo

I flipped the card over to see a number. Under that said "in case you need me."

I face palmed myself on the forehead. I'm not sure I even want to know how embarrassing I was last night.

I quickly dialed the number into my phone. It rang a few times before I heard that familiar voice.

"Hey who is this?!" Bakuguo said in a loud voice. I mentally giggled to myself.

"Hi this is y/n, I just wanted to thank you for helping me out last night. I really appreciate it."

"Oh it's you, yeah don't worry about it. Just doing my job."

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Huh? Sure what is it?"

"What happened after I left the bar. I don't remember a thing after that."

There was a long paused. I pulled the phone from my face because I thought he hung up. Never the less the contact number was still there. I put the phone back to my ear.

"Hello? Bakuguo are you there?"

"I think we need to talk about it in person. When are you free?"

This took me by surprise.

"Oh um, I'm pretty much free all weekend."

"Ok, meet me at the coffee shop down town in an hour got it?"

"Oh, yeah sure. I'll be there."

"Ok good." With that Bakuguo hung up. I started at my phone dumb founded for a moment. What in the world happened last night?

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