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Bakuguo's pov

Realization hit me like a truck. All that time I had been wondering why this girl seemed so familiar. Now I knew.

That's right. Icy hot always talked about his girlfriend from another school. I never met her in person, but he had showed me pictures. Now I also know why I recognize the house. I helped him pick it out. Again I only saw pictures of it.

Everything seemed to fit now. I suddenly felt very nervous, and I wasn't sure what to say. I traced through every corner of my mind trying to find the right way to explain this to y/n.

Your pov

After I told Bakuguo Shoto's name I looked over to him. I slightly raised my eyebrows at what I was looking at. Bakuguo's expression wasn't what I was excepting.

He seemed very nervous and confused. Almost as though he was deeply lost in thought. I slightly nudged his shoulder with my hand. He jerked his head towards me.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked. Bakuguo just closed his eyes and sighed.

"Well this is going to be a bit awkward, but I need to tell you something," he said. This put me a little on edge, but I just nodded awaiting his explanation.

"Well, ever since I saw you at the bar last night I recognized you from somewhere. I couldn't put my finger on it though. Also when I brought you home I recognized your house, again not sure from where."

All this information made me confused. Where is he getting with this? But also this makes sense. I recognized his name from somewhere.

"But now that you've told me who your boyfriend was, I know where I recognize you from. Now I don't know if he ever told you about me, but I was a friend of Todoroki. Actually...we were close to best friends. We went all through UA together. I didn't see him very much after we graduated, but we kept in touch."

My eyes widened. That's it! That's where I recognized his name. Todoroki talked about him a few times. I looked down at my lap.

"Why weren't you at the funeral? I'm sure I didn't see you there?" I asked. I looked back up to a sight I didn't except from Bakuguo. A few tear drops were falling down his face as he looked out to the city.

"Ya know I'm not sure. I just couldn't force myself to go. I didn't want to except that he was gone. Now I know I could never feel the level of pain that you did, but it was rough for me. I pushed every emotion I felt deep down. I thought I was "being strong", but I was actually running from the truth. And I gotta say. I really miss that damn icy hot," he said with a weak laugh at the end.

Overwhelming amounts of emotion took over me. I started crying again. Up until that point I felt so alone, but now I had someone who understood what I'd been going through. Sure Todoroki had other friends who were deeply hurt, and his mom probably felt more pain then me, but this was different.

The bound a significant other and a bestfriend between a person have are very similar. I now felt very safe knowing someone else feels the same way I do. Right then I needed comfort. I did something that even surprised me.

I leaned over to Bakuguo and hugged him. His froze for a moment before hugging back. He felt so warm and comforting. We sat in silence for awhile, just enjoying each other's comfort.

After a few minutes we broke apart. I decided to break the silence.

"Thank you Bakuguo for everything."

"Yeah, no problem dumb ass."

I slightly punched him. He both laughed a little. I was starting to feel like my old self again.

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