1. Anger

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Zoe's POV

"Zoe Sugg you come back here!" My mother's voice yells after me.

Here we go again...

I really should explain who I am and then explain why my mother is at war against me.

My name is Zoe Elizabeth Sugg and I am 19. I have ombre hair and stunning blue eyes.

I'm definitely not a Goth but I mainly wear black as it signals anger and pain. I guess I'm not the perfect child as my mother puts it. She refers to Joseph, my younger brother, as the perfect child. She has an obivious favourite child. My father is the same but he is more kind towards me.

Now to explain why my mother is yelling at me...

Earlier that week she had taken all my clothes that she didn't agree with,most of them, and burned them. Yes you heard me burned them.

So me being me then thought why should she be able to do that and i'm not? So I sorta took her best clothes and,uh, burned them.

Right back to the present I guess...

"Zoe!" My mother said, bursting into my room. "Why are my best church clothes all burned in a heap ready to be taken to the dump?"

"I don't know mother." I said innocently.

"Really? Are you telling me Joseph did it?" She replied.

"Possibly?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"I need time out, Please Zoe get out the house."


"Zoe Elizabeth Sugg get out my house NOW!" She screamed.

I bolted for the door grabbing my bag on the way out.

I felt a mixture of emotions, my head battling to see which one I truly felt. I felt like she deserved it, but maybe I took it a step to far?

I think the only thing to do know is go to Starbucks and let it all blow over. I pulled my crappy Samsung out and plugged my earphones in clicking 'Amnesia' by 5SOS. I actually quite liked them, even though I usually prefer rock music. The song had so much emotion and pain in it I almost felt like they wrote it for me and my sh*tty life.

When I reached Starbucks I pulled my earphones out and stuffed them in my black bag. I locked my phone then walked in.

I tripped over as I walked in, causing everyone to stare at me.

I mentally punched myself, before carefully walking to the queue.

"Are you alright love?" A males voice suddenly sounded startling me.

I looked up to see the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. He had thick black hair and chocolate brown eyes.

I them remembered all the lies and sh*t boys cause so pulled my 'I don't care' face.

"Yes I'm fine."

"Really are you sure?"

"Yes! 100%!" I said, slightly annoyed.

"My name is Alfie, what's yours?"

"Zoe." I replied through gritted teeth.

He was about to add more when the person in front moved along.

"Fancy sharing a table?" He said.

"I'm not sur-"

"No really I insist!"


After ordering we sat down. I had a simple hot chocolate as I wasn't actually the biggest coffee fan.

"So tell me about yourself!" Alfie said.

"You wanna hear my sh*tty life story?" I said mentally laughing.

Alfie chuckled at my response. "Sure why not?"

"Well you know they say stranger danger and everything!"

"You can trust me."

"No I'm sorry I'm not comfortable."

"Please!" Come on Zoe!"

"No Alfie!" I shouted before racing out the shop to the nearest park.

I feel it again. Bubbling inside me. The hideous beast tearing up my insides. This was it. Another anxiety attack...

Q&A Of The Day
#1 Zalfie moment?
Bye Cupcakes!
Stalk Me:
Instagram= _infinity_suggcriber_

.Happiness.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang