Run the World

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Written September '18 - one of my first BNHA fics! The idea was neat but I executed it poorly but I also don't care enough to rewrite it like I'm planning to do with a couple of other old ones, so just,,,, take it, haha.

I hope it doesn't come across as insensitive or hurtful?? Please, tell me if it does!!


Izuku has a Quirk. It's not useful for a hero, but he loves it nonetheless.

Who knew a gender-shifting Quirk could be so helpful in a fight?

CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, M*neta


The first Izuku remembers of his peculiar Quirk is when he was seven, three years after the doctor had declared him officially Quirkless. Even despite the diagnosis, he still held out hope, and continued to analyse the Quirks of Pro Heroes as well as his classmates'.

He may have been desperately hoping, but that didn't mean he was excited when he finally discovered it – no, in fact, quite the opposite – he was terrified. It was early evening, and Izuku had gone to have a shower before going to bed, but the moment he took off his clothes all he could do was shriek in horror.

That was how he realised that he could change forms between male and female.

He spent the weekend trying to get used to it, slightly unsettled with the way he could feel his insides practically squirming with every shift, but determined nonetheless. Inko was relieved to see him look so joyful again after the words that had crushed him years previously, and she helped him research all he could about similar Quirks to his.

Monday couldn't arrive quick enough for him, since he couldn't wait to tell Kacchan.

But then... He realised that the boys and the girls never played together, and he wanted to stay friends with Kacchan. The smile faded from his face, and he never spoke a word of his newfound Quirk to anyone besides his mum.

There were times when he accidentally transitioned during the day, but since he was young that meant no-one ever noticed, much to his relief. Over the years, he gained better control over it, learning the way it worked and uncovering strengths and weaknesses.

If there was a time limit to his female form, he had yet to reach it, and he'd spent over a month as a girl before. Besides the queasy feelings of his insides shifting and parts of his body morphing as he grew older, there didn't seem to be a downside besides a dull ache that was no worse than growing pains. He also noticed that any injuries on one form wouldn't carry over to the other one, which implied that he was practically becoming two entirely different people - the idea fascinated him, although he wasn't quite sure what applications that ability would have when he became a hero.

His mother enthusiastically helped him fit in when he was a girl, happily buying dresses, skirts, and form-fitting outfits, as well as make-up and feminine hygiene products. Most of the time, Izuku preferred to stick with the same clothes he wore as a guy, but it was sometimes fun to dress up and go out to experience the world a whole other way.

When the taunts and bullying at school got too much, he was often sorely tempted to shift before their eyes to revel in their shock, but held his tongue when he remembered the perverted words his teenaged classmates would often mutter whenever a girl was around - he didn't want to be the focus of that.

Fate twisted him a tricky tale, and he found himself at the school he'd always dreamed of attending with All Might's powerful Quirk to assure his place in the Hero Class.

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