Mesmerised [3/5]

277 21 4

CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence


Chapter Summary:

The kids have a chance to be kids, Izuku gets to properly relish the ocean, and he later gets murdered. So... You know, an average day.


A narrow shoreline peeked out, set back in another small cove further down the coast. The boat trundled to a halt under Todoroki's careful watch, and Iida dropped the anchor. They stepped out onto deck and filed into place next to the other students.

"What are we doing now?" Asui inquired, glancing around them for a clue.

"Well," All Might spoke up, sharing a glance and a smile with Neptune- "You've been missing out on your usual exercise, being cooped up on the boat for so long. We decided it would be a good opportunity for all of you to practise swimming."

"Kero!" She chirped, perking up significantly. "I'll go get YaoMomo-chan!"

"Outta my way, Deku," Kacchan snarled as he shoved past, going after the girl and disappearing below deck to the living quarters.

Izuku vibrated with excitement his small body couldn't contain, staring up at his mentor, half expecting there to be a punchline – but there was nothing but a supportive smile. He could go swimming! Finally! Oh, he couldn't wait.

He sprinted down the stairs, nearly slipping a few times but catching himself at the last second. It was warm and comfortably dim below deck in the cabins, lit only with a few lights set into the walls. There was a kitchen at one end and a bathroom at the other, with the bedrooms in the middle. The space wasn't big enough for proper separate rooms, so whilst Neptune had her own personal bedroom, the visitors shared the other room. It was divided with a curtain to keep the boys and girls apart when they wanted privacy. Rumpled sleeping bags covered the floor, each with a bag set next to the head. Kacchan was tearing through his to pick out his swim trunks, and Izuku nervously edged around him to get to his own backpack. Asui and Yaoyorozu entered from the kitchen, pausing to grab their own swimsuits before disappearing off towards the bathroom.

"Tell us when you're all decent, kero," Asui told Izuku as they passed, and he gave her a stiff nod, determinedly not thinking about the fact that they were going to be getting changed, which meant they were-

He shook his head and grabbed his trunks from his backpack, clenching his hand around the smooth fabric. His cheeks were hot with a blush that was only pushed aside when he remembered that they were about to go swimming! In the sea!

Iida and Todoroki came downstairs and joined them in the room, pulling the curtain shut to let them all get changed in private. Kacchan practically tore down the curtain when he was ready, already charging back onto deck. Iida took a moment to carefully place his glasses on his neat sleeping bag, then straightened up, glancing over his friends with goggles hanging from his hand. Izuku nervously approached the closed bathroom door and rapped his knuckles on it.

"W-We're done," he said in a wavering voice.

The door opened a crack for Asui to peer through, and he stepped back as it swung fully open, revealing both of them wearing the UA one-piece swimsuits. Izuku was relieved about that – he wasn't sure if he could've looked at them without blushing if they were wearing b-b... bikin-

Ah! He couldn't think about it. He shouldn't! It was indecent to think about...

Swimming! Swimming was a safe thing to think about. Yeah, he loved swimming. He especially loved swimming in the ocean – which is where they were! And wasn't that wonderful!

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