Distant Star [6/8]

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what's up cuties! here's another chapter, i hope you're having a good day ily <33

I listened to Glitter and Gold by Barns Courtney on repeat whilst writing half of this fic (^:

CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Major Character Injury, Temporary Character Death, Hurt/Comfort


Chapter Summary:

Mess with Kacchan and you sign your own death sentence...


"It can't be good for Shi to be inside all day," Kirishima commented one evening, making a toy horse gallop along for the girl.

"S'not like I can take her outside," Kacchan responded, sitting with his arms crossed in a fort of pillows and a tiara on his spiky hair.

"Just wear a disguise, man," Kaminari suggested, lying on his back on the sofa with his phone held precariously above his face.

"I'm Number One. People will recognise me," he bit back, grumpily snatching one of the pillows from the top of a pile and hugging it to his chest as he glowered.

"But still... Kids need fresh air and exercise. She can't really get that if she spends all her time in here," Kirishima persisted, tucking the horse away into a stable and giving an obligatory 'neigh.'

"I've got an idea," Uraraka spoke up, carrying a fake tea set on a little tray.

"It better not be sh- bad," Kacchan snapped instantly, turning his glare on her.

She giggled, placing the tray on Kaminari's stomach and pressing her fingertips together out of habit. "Oh, you'll see!"

"...I don't like that," he muttered, but returned his attention to playtime when she left the room.

Uraraka returned with a large green hoodie draped over her arm. "Here! Put this on!"

Kacchan stretched up and took it from her, letting it hang from his fists as he stared at the design. "...I'm not wearin' this."

"No-one would ever expect you to wear Deku merch!" She explained with cheer that was only a little forced. "It's the perfect disguise!"

"Deku?" Shi burbled, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Why can't she get that excited when any of us are mentioned?" Kaminari whined with a playful pout, putting away his phone, pushing the tea tray aside, and sitting up to watch. "Ah, well. Is Deku here, Shi-Shi? Where's Deku?"

Shi glanced around herself, then pointed to where Izuku was sitting, cross-legged, on the carpet near Kacchan. "Deku!"

All of them followed her finger. Kaminari looked as if he mildly regretted asking. Kirishima offered a nervous wave which Izuku reciprocated, not that they could tell. Kacchan removed the tiara and squirmed into the hoodie, tugging it down and pulling at it until it settled more comfortably on his bulky form.

"This isn't yours, is it? S'far too big," Kacchan wondered, pulling at the fabric with a frown.

She placed a hand to her cheek, averting her eyes and forcing her lips into a smile. "It, um... It belonged to Deku-kun."

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