Retry [2/6]

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CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Temporary Character Death


Chapter Summary:

Izuku ain't putting up with Bakugou's shit, flexes his first-aid talents, and remakes some friends!


It was a little awkward, at first. Izuku's mother wasn't quite sure how to act around someone who was her son, and yet acted so differently from him. He did everything he could to reassure her that everything was fine, constantly keeping his energy levels high and offering All Might-esque smiles, occasionally dissolving into mumble-storms and dashing off to grab a hero analysis notebook to scribble in, and after a few more weeks she'd better acclimated to the unexpected change. All Might himself started to visit at least once a week on Izuku's hopeful request, not wanting to miss out on any time with his mentor, especially now they could do so many more things since the hero was healthy once more. They sparred together when they had free time, although it took a little longer to get used to their new physical states, and soon the boy was fairly efficient with his fighting techniques.

Izuku continued go to school. He generally tried to keep his grades average, but all the work was far too easy. No-one paid attention to the Quirkless kid, anyway.

Kacchan cornered him after school on a quiet street, his two lackeys by his side, not that Izuku could recall their names. The volatile boy snapped his teeth together like a rabid dog, palms out by his sides and crackling with wordless threats.

"Oi, Deku. The hell's up with you lately? You've been acting weird as shit. You think you're better than me, huh? Useless nerd!" He lunged forward with a sparking hand.

Izuku glanced over his abysmal fighting form, picking out the many weaknesses and immediately knowing how to counter. He smoothly sidestepped and grabbed the extended wrist, using his other hand to collapse Kacchan's elbow and immediately twist around behind him to jam a knee into his spine and send him careening forwards into the wall. The boy squirmed angrily, but Izuku kept his grip firm and stance steady, keeping him pressed against the cold bricks in silence.

Both lackeys exchanged a nervous glance before they activated their Quirks, one flapping his wings and the other wiggling his long fingers. They were even smaller threats than Kacchan. Izuku nimbly ducked under a sweeping wing, whipping around with a kick that was only just strong enough to knock the kid off his feet. He let go of his friend and lithely sidestepped the hands that tried to grab him, spinning on his toes and using his elbow to jab the lackey's ribs, causing him to tumble over.

"What the fuck, Deku?!" Kacchan aggressively rubbed at his reddened nose, tears in his crimson eyes that he stubbornly blinked away. "That was just lucky, you bastard. Fight me for real and you're dead."

"The only way to get stronger is to learn from others, Kacchan," Izuku stated without a hint of a tremor in his tone, cracking his knuckles.

"Fuck you," the boy snarled, blindly surging forwards again with larger explosions charging up.

Izuku lowered his stance and grabbed his friend's torso, flipping him onto his back and glaring down. "You can't always rely on your Quirk. You need to learn how to fight properly. You could spar with me, if you want."

"Like hell I'd waste my time on a Quirkless loser like you," he wheezed, clumsily picking himself up and going in for another hit.

Izuku sighed subtly, shifting his position and slamming his classmate down again, harder. "Really? Because it seems like this Quirkless loser is beating you right now." He straightened up, dusting his palms off on his uniform. "Realise that you need to give help to others and receive help from them in return. The strongest heroes are those with allies."

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