Mesmerised [1/5]

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This was supposed to be a one-shot, 5k words at most. It rapidly spiraled out of control and now I have another 20k words ""one-shot"" I separated into a mini-fic for ease of reading. I,,,, got carried away,,,,,

also i fuckin' hate writin' summaries. they can go die in a hole. can't the reader just telepathically Know what the plot entails without me tryin' to spin a shitty little description, huh???

i'm always very guilty of just leaping straight into the fun part of the story when writing, so i decided to step out of my comfort zone with this fic by adding more exposition and description, but, uh,,, yeaahhh that led to me writing 20k words....... oh well, lol. it was fun!! and also wow can you believe this is actually finally a New Fic rather than one i had lying around in my drafts for years... wild. look at me bein' all productive in quarantine, i'm proud

Song I listened to pretty much the entire time whilst writing this whole fic: 

(plus this at the end of writing)

take care of yourselves, and i hope you enjoy <33



Izuku has always known the importance of secrets, long before All Might passed One for All onto him. With a merman father and a human mother, his life is certainly unusual, even in the peculiar age of Quirks.

And for a mer like Izuku, a school trip to the ocean seems like paradise!

...but, of course, trouble follows him wherever he goes. Damn it - can't he just have a relaxing break with his friends without getting attacked by villains for once?!

CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence


Chapter Summary:

Izuku yearns, has a secret, and plot convenience dictates that these two things will soon clash.


Izuku closed the door to his dorm room, leaning back against it with a tired sigh. It had been a long, stressful day of classes and sparring, and both his brain and body were exhausted. He straightened up and turned around to lock the door, then sleepily padded deeper into his room as his scarred hands worked on loosening his scrunched tie.

Warm, sunset hues pooled through the balcony doors, spilling amber across the carpet and painting over his feet. Izuku tried the handle to check it was locked, then pulled the All Might curtains together, plunging his room into near-total darkness. A faint light glowed through the fabric and shone around the edges of the curtains, allowing him to navigate safely as he got changed into his pyjamas.

He snatched a water-bottle from his desk and sat heavily on the edge of his mattress. Green eyes furtively examined his surroundings once more, lingering on shadowed spaces and pausing on both doors whilst he strained his ears to listen for any sound. Aside from the faint chatter of his fellow students on different floors, and the occasional pad of footsteps passing in the corridor, there was nothing – he was alone.

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