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Another time travel plot, yay! This was started in Dec 2018 and I think I continued writing it over the next few months?? Originally it was just going to be Izuku and All Might having a cute reunion in front of Tsukauchi, but then I got invested in the story, and it spiraled out of control, lol. I was also gonna post this in one chunk but then I realised 20k words was a bit too much for one chapter, so I managed to split it up (:

Take care of yourselves, and I hope you enjoy!!!



By a Quirk or twist of fate, Izuku and All Might are sent back in time to when Izuku was seven. Alone together and armed with knowledge of the future, they're not going to let tragic stories unfurl in the same way.

Quirkless or not, Izuku is going to save as many people as he can, and even All for One can't stop him.

CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Temporary Character Death


Chapter Summary:

The adventure begins, Izuku's doing his best, and Naomasa didn't realise his friend had a son...?


Izuku suddenly jolted in his seat, flinching so violently he loudly jostled his desk and garnered looks from his- his... his classmates. They were only faintly familiar, vague faces regretfully stored in the back of his mind: he couldn't even remember their names. Except- except one of them.

The ash-blond boy with spiky hair was glowering at him with scarlet eyes, lip jutted in an ever-present sneer. His face was rounded with baby fat and there were small explosions popping in his sweaty palms from time to time. Kacchan sat at the desk in front of him, twisted in his seat to scowl at the disturbance while all the other kids tittered tauntingly.

It would've been a perfectly normal day, if it wasn't for the fact that Izuku distinctly remembered fire and pain and fear, and then sudden, blinding whiteness, and he was shoved back in his seat in school, feeling like he'd been startled awake from falling in a dream. He suddenly gasped in a breath, going to raise his hands to tangle them in his hair to ground himself, only to freeze again and see the tiny, skinny fingers and pale, unblemished skin, no scars or disfiguration in sight. There was no warm thrumming in his soul that indicated the presence of his Quirk, One for All, and a look at the uniform he was wearing confirmed that he was probably around seven years old.

"Everything all right, Midoriya?" The teacher asked, annoyance in her tone.

He clenched his hands around the edge of his desk so hard it hurt, because no, nothing was all right, he was supposed to be in his twenties fighting a villain with a powerful fire Quirk, losing against the bad guy despite his power and talent since he was more focused on protecting the many civilians, getting more and more scorched with every blast he desperately intercepted, and then he saw a tall man with a mane of wild, golden hair who was about to be hit and-

And... Izuku hadn't been quick enough. All Might was engulfed by the inferno. The young hero had thrown caution to the wind and leapt over, dispelling the flames with a kick. He'd wrapped his arms around All Might, too focused on him to notice the next attack coming. There was fire and pain and fear, and then blinding whiteness and-

"I'm f-fine," he responded belatedly through tears.

The teacher didn't look convinced, but clearly didn't care enough to push the matter, instead continuing on with maths that was laughably easy. Izuku was thankful for the mind-numbingly simple tasks, allowing his mind to wander as he quickly scribbled down the answers, all the while trying to work out what had happened to him whilst tears dried on his freckled cheeks.

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