Distant Star [1/8]

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Don't be frightened by the CW tags, it stays pretty lighthearted (as much as it can be, at least, when Izuku's been yeeted off this mortal coil) - you know I'm a soft baby and don't like writing angst ):

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I Hate Writing Summaries. You think I have any recollection of what goes on in my fics? Don't be a fool!

Anyway, happy birthday to Izuku - congratulations, you're dead! (This doesn't apply on Wattpad but it's too funny to delete LOL)

Look after yourselves, and I hope you enjoy <33!!



Death wasn't unexpected in the line of heroic duty, but it was never anticipated. Despite his propensity for knocking on Death's door and sprinting away with broken bones and mortality tethered by mere determination, Izuku had never intended to die, especially not so young. It just... happened.

And now... Well, what now? Death was supposed to be the end, wasn't it?

So, why was Izuku still here?

CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Major Character Injury, Temporary Character Death, Hurt/Comfort


Chapter Summary:

Death is just a new beginning when you're the protagonist.


Everything was hazy. Blood clogged up his throat, and pain sparked in his chest when he coughed to try and clear it. His whole body felt heavy against the ground and his mind felt distant.

Izuku was dying. The realisation didn't scare him as much as he would've liked. He was already resigned to his fate – maybe he had been for a long time.

But, it was strange. Every other near-death experience was sharp and energising, but this one felt faint and... exhausting...

Footsteps pounded over to him, and a face swung into his view. Izuku could recognise Kacchan anywhere, but that expression of sheer horror was unlike anything he'd seen before. Kacchan dropped to his knees, whole torso heaving with heavy breaths. His hands ghosted over the boy's body, face growing more and more pale, then snarled and tore off his gauntlets, throwing them aside to press his bare hand against the largest wound on the side of Izuku's chest.

"Kac-chan," Izuku choked out thickly, then devolving into another round of coughs, blood spraying from between his clenched jaws and breaths coming in rattling rasps.

"Shut up, Deku," Kacchan snapped in a shaking voice, crimson eyes turning glassy.

Oh. Kacchan was crying. Kacchan didn't like to cry. Izuku felt bad for being the reason his friend was sad.

He opened his mouth, brows furrowing guiltily. "D-Don't- c-cry."

"I'm not! Shut up!" He growled again, but his voice broke and a tear dropped onto Izuku's ruined hero costume.

More hurried footsteps approached, and several more people skidded to a halt nearby, moving so fast they kicked up some of the dirt Izuku was laying on. He could see Kirishima and Iida and Asui gathering around him.

"I-Is he alive? Is he okay?" Uraraka cried, falling into a kneel on his other side and covering her mouth with a hand when his tired green gaze flickered over to her. "D-Deku-kun, you're gonna be alright. J-Just, stay awake, okay?"

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