Distant Star [4/8]

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hey sweetie, please look after yourself!! enjoy the chapter <33

CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Major Character Injury, Temporary Character Death, Hurt/Comfort


Chapter Summary:

What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.


It was almost strange to see Kacchan sitting normally on the sofa. Usually he sat in a manner that defied all expectations of comfort, with limbs sprawled in all directions and entire body twisted at bizarre angles. Since Shi was on his lap, Kacchan was forced to sit like a normal human being.

A bowl of curry and rice was in one hand, and the other was loosely curled around her tiny torso. Izuku settled down next to him, knees drawn up beneath him and hands settled in his lap, occasionally lifting to playfully gesture to the toddler and make her giggle, which made Kacchan glance down with a bemused sort of smirk. He moved his arm away from her just long enough to spoon some food into his mouth, but it quickly settled protectively back into place. His crimson eyes were glued onto the television where the news was rolling.

The story changed from something inane to something about Ground Zero, causing both of them to actually tune in to what was being said. It was a report on Ground Zero's sudden departure from the hero scene, especially highlighting the week he took off with no notice and no explanation, and then going on to add the significantly decreased patrols. There was some suggestions of him letting himself relax a little to grieve after not having taken any time off – and, in fact, spending more time out in the field – after Deku's death, but then it shifted to an interview.

"Yeah, Ground Zero-san came in here the other week," a shop owner was saying into the microphone. "He was in civilian clothes so I didn't recognise him at first, but then he came to the counter with a basket full of baby items."

Kacchan dug his spoon into the curry.

"Could it be that Ground Zero-san has a baby? If that's the case, who might the mother be?" The reporter wondered.

Kacchan snorted, gesturing towards the TV with his spoon and shooting an exasperated look at the girl. "Can y'believe that shit, Chicken? Fuckin' ridiculous."


She gave a little burble, eyes following the spoon intently, then she leaned forwards to try and eat the curry. Kacchan hastily lifted it away, shoving it into his mouth and pushing her little hands down.

"This's mine, y'little brat," he said thickly, then swallowed and gently prodded at her belly. "You've already eaten. 'Sides, I'm pretty sure you'd just fuckin' die if y'had something this spicy."

She whined softly, lower lip jutting out in an adorable pout that had both adults melting. Kacchan shook his head and glared half-heartedly at her, muttering a myriad of denials under his breath. Her big brown eyes turned onto Izuku hopefully, and he did his best to steel himself against the cuteness.

"Sorry, Shi-chan, but you can't have any of Kacchan's food. Don't worry, though, it doesn't even taste that good – it just burns your mouth and makes you cry, and that's no fun! I'd let you have some of my food, if I, uh... well... If I had any. But I'm... yeah," he finished quietly, glancing down at his hands and comparing their matte state to the galaxian sparkles that filled everything else.

"Want!" She complained, making grabby hands at the steaming bowl.

Kacchan pressed his finger into her palm, and she automatically closed her hand around it, briefly distracted. "You can't have it."

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