Retry [3/6]

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CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Temporary Character Death


Chapter Summary:

Izuku eats fur and brings hope to two children.


Izuku glanced down at his phone, texting Toshinori a quick response before starting to hurry off for that afternoon's training. He stayed alert as he padded down the street, keeping a sunny smile on his face out of habit and practically bouncing with every step, excited to tell his mentor about-

There was a crash and a clatter in an alley. Izuku was there in a flash, hand already going to his hip where a retractable bo staff was secured, ready to whip it out at the first sign of danger as he cautiously crept towards the noise. His narrowed gaze scanned the area, locking onto shadows while he strained his ears to focus down on the... murmuring? He stepped forwards again, causing a crouched figure to tense and rapidly turn around, familiar purple eyes wide with alarm. Izuku immediately relaxed with a sigh of relief, letting his hand drop back to his side and feeling the adrenaline rush from his system.

"Hello," he greeted uncertainly, only to pause and realise how odd the situation must've looked. "Sorry, I- uh... I heard a noise, and I know some martial arts, so if someone was being hurt I could've protected them, but it's fine because there's no villain, it's just you doing- um, what are you doing in an alley?" He blinked expectantly, slowly growing more awkward as the silence dragged on with the two boys staring at each other. "Oh, I never introduced myself, sorry- I'm Midoriya Izuku. It's nice to meet you!"

The purple-haired boy continued to glare distrustfully, coiled like a spring and frozen in place, practically emanating worry. He shifted slightly, still hunched over and crouched close to the ground, but one foot was further back, ready to bolt at a moment's notice. Shadows deepened the dark circles under his tired eyes and his lilac hair curled down around his pale face instead of being gelled up like he'd stuck his finger in a plug socket. His teeth bared in a slight grimace as there was a faint meow from behind him, and a second later a small cat slunk between his legs, winding around his ankles and peering up at the newcomer with big, amber eyes.

Izuku instinctively lowered himself into a crouch, offering a hand and cooing happily when the feline crept out to sniff at him then rub its cheeks against his palm. He obligingly ran his fingers through the calico's fur, feeling a hearty purr rumble under his touch and giggling over how adorable the cat was.

"Shinsou Hitoshi," the boy muttered.

"Does this cat have a name?" Izuku inquired, twisting around to watch as the feline skulked around behind him, almost knocking him off balance.

"I call her Dice," he responded after a pause, kneeling down and letting the cat stretch over his lap.

"She's so cute," he laughed, only to yelp in surprise as his phone went off in his pocket, causing him to panic and fumble as the theme to an All Might cartoon played loudly until he answered the call. "Hello?"

"Oh, you're okay." Toshinori gave a sigh of relief. "You said you'd be here ten minutes ago, young Izuku."

"Ten-?" Izuku checked the time and gave an embarrassed squeak. "Sorry, Toshi-san! It's just I heard a noise in an alley and I thought someone might've been in trouble so I checked it out but it was just Hi- Shinsou-kun and there's a really cute cat called Dice-chan and I love her and can we get a cat?"

"I thought I told you to not seek out trouble, my boy," the man said bemusedly, unfazed by the brief rambling. "And I think it's up to your mother whether you can get a cat or not."

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