Distant Star [7/8]

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have you been doing your self-care?? eat, drink, medicate, sleep, and take a break if you need one :D enjoy the chapter <3

CW: Blood & Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Angst, Major Character Injury, Temporary Character Death, Hurt/Comfort


Chapter Summary:

Soulmates reunite and petty squabbles ensue


Izuku stood victorious above Cut-Throat, his chest heaving and his features fearsome.

The one-track focus eased, and he became aware of what the fuck just happened. He'd become tangible enough to interact with the world, and even be seen and touched, and he'd completely destroyed the villains without having a Quirk, although seemingly with the assistance of a few lingering ghost-powers. There were glittering lights hovering in the air around him like minuscule stars, and all the little lights he had grown used to in every physical object were... gone. He had almost forgotten what the normal world looked like. When Izuku looked a bit closer, he realised each star was on a tiny shard of something, and as he watched, they gently rotated and drew closer as if he had a gravitational pull, until they phased through – no, inside him, settling down until his skin was glittering like a galaxy, but with a final pulse, the coalesced energy faded, leaving only a few sparks that marked his freckles.

His body trembled and his knees nearly gave way. He squared his arms tight across his torso, feeling every breath, every brush of wind, every beat of his heart. Urban sounds of cars and honking horns and rustling leaves were achingly loud. The scent of hot food lingered on the breeze, and it was a cool evening, and he could see people peeking out their front doors, and through their windows, staring at him with their mouths agape, and a few of them had their phones out to record, and-


Izuku whirled around, treading along on shaky legs, spreading his arms slightly for balance. His friend was still stooped defensively, his head dipped and arm wrapped firmly around Shi. The girl was just barely visible, peeking over his shoulder and babbling away, already squirming to try and free herself at the sight of her favourite uncle. He couldn't help but smile at her, the corners of his eyes crinkling with infinite fondness.

Kacchan tensed up faintly at the approaching footsteps. His shoulders curved lower, and he sank deeper down, his breathing unsteady and stuttering. He was muttering to the girl, a continuous stream of soft words. Izuku came to a halt, hesitantly stretching out his arm, and then gently placing his palm on his friend's solid back, feeling muscles shift under the touch.

"Kacchan," he murmured, "it's okay now."

"Deku! Kacchan, le' go! Want Deku!" Shi complained, managing to slide one arm free to reach up excitedly.

He clasped his own gloved hand around hers – actually clasped it, finally feeling the warmth and life of her tiny grasp, and he sniffled, letting out a breathy laugh. "I-I think Kacchan needs a hug right now, don't you? You want to hug Kacchan?"

She let out a contemplative hum, bringing up her other arm to wrap it around the back of the man's neck, pressing herself closer. Kacchan's own hand fell limply into his lap, and his shoulders faintly shook. Izuku lowered himself into a kneel next to his friend, pressing their thighs and shoulders together, and he carefully grabbed his bloody hand, loosely entwining their fingers and giving a comforting squeeze. His friend's eyes were squeezed tight shut, and he shook his head, face screwing up.

"S-Sorry, did that hurt?!" Izuku exclaimed in alarm, going to retract his arm, only to find Kacchan had locked their fingers in place. "A... Are you okay? U-Um, aside from the obvious, I mean..."

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