Chapter 4

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They finally arrived at the beach house with everyone awake. Jimin and Jungkook take everyone's bags and puts them inside while Nayeon brings Mina out so they can take pictures of each other.

They rested that night after having ramen for dinner. They were too tired from the drive to cook anything else or order food. But now the fun was starting.

Jimin and Jungkook sat in the living room waiting for the two. They were preparing for their first trip to the beach. Both of them wore tight drifit shirts with swimming shorts and slippers.

After today, the two planned to show them around the markets and show them the best places to get food. But the first thing on their list was the beach.

Jungkook's eyes land on the fair girl and says, "Finally, you took so long to change yet you're not gonna swim at all." Nayeon twirls and says, "It takes a while to achieve this beauty."

Jungkook playfully gags and says, "Stop, you're hurting my eyes." Nayeon says cutely, "Because I'm too beautiful?" Jungkook replies sarcastically, "Yes, you're really beautiful. Can we go now?"

Jimin says, "Stop fighting, this is supposed to be fun. Where's Mina?"

"I'm right here."

Jimin almost screams as Mina replies while standing next to him. He turns and his eyes widen seeing what she's wearing.

Mina wore a two piece swimsuit with the top being a tight croptop. Despite it not being too revealing on her womanly parts, her silky arms, toned midriff, and long legs caught Jimin's eyes.

Jimin can't help but stare with his jaw dropped and his face burning red. His heart rapidly beats as Mina whispers, "Can you stop staring, please..."

Jimin looks up to see Nayeon taking a picture of them and Jungkook staring at Mina also in shock.

Jimin gulps as Nayeon cheers, "Wow, it ended up great."

Nayeon shows her phone and it's the most awkward picture ever. Mina shyly stares at the ground while Jimin stares at the camera blushing completely.

Nayeon asks, "Are we ready?" The two guys nod while Mina stayed quiet.

Jungkook notices and asks, "Hey, what's wrong? If Nayeon took it too far with your outfit, maybe we can go and buy you new ones."

Mina clenched her fists then relaxes them. She whispers, "One week."

Jungkook asks, "What?" Mina looks up and shyly smiles then says, "I'm letting go for one week." Jungkook asks, "Letting go of what?"

Mina smiles more confidently, "Everything." Jungkook stares at her still confused, "Pardon?"

Nayeon cheers, "Which means let's go to the beach!" Nayeon takes a hold of Jungkook's hand and runs off saying, "Now stop gawking and let's go have fun!"

Mina follows her lead and takes a hold of Jimin's hand. She runs after Nayeon as the four end up outside at the beach.

Mina giggles once she sees Nayeon on the verge of crying because Jungkook picked her up and threatened to throw her into the ocean.

But as she was laughing at her friend, her feet suddenly leave the ground. She turns her head surprised while Jimin smirks at her then proceeds to charge directly into the water.

Mina yells, "YAAAAH!" Jimin throws her into the water and she immediately stands her. She places her hands on her eyes as if she's crying and Jimin suddenly feels guilt.

He runs next to her, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't-" Mina quickly removes her hands from her face and places them behind Jimin's head. She pushes him into the water while giggling and Jimin jumps out gasping for air.

Deep in the Friendzone | [A Jimina and NayKook Story]Where stories live. Discover now