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Music of the Day
Celestial Elves by Brandon Fiechter

BELLA gasped as her surroundings reappeared, the sensation of transportation had left her reeling, nauseous. She noticed the mushrooms shrinking away into nothing at their bare feet.

"Breathe slowly," Cynthia commanded softly.

Bella did as she was told, finally realizing where they were. She peeked around Cynthia, seeing her cottage.

"We're at your house," Bella commented, breathless. "How?"

"They transported us."

Bella scrunched her eyebrows together. "Who did?"

Cynthia smiled, leading Bella to the large bridge. They faced her cottage, just in time to see an amazing sight. The light of the half moon washed over the mountain side, settling over Cynthia's cottage and the river. Hundreds of Fae shot up out from the grass, the trees, even the river. The little creatures zipped all around the two girls, giggling and squealing.

"Hi, Bella!"

"How are you?!"

"You're finally home!"

The fae circled Bella, lifting her off the ground slightly. Bella couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips, she could feel the purity coming from the creatures. Bella landed on her feet, and the fae zipped away. Cynthia took her hand, making Bella meet her eyes.

"You must never thank them, Bella. For anything. Not even if they give you a compliment, a gift, anything."

"Why?" Bella breathed.

"You'll be indebted to them. That is not something you want, its nearly impossible to get out of their debt."

Bella pondered this for a moment, then nodded, agreeing to never thank them. Cynthia suddenly tugged Bella down the bridge, toward the river bank. Bella was able to truly admire the Fae then, she gazed reverently at the floating creatures above her. She reached up gingerly, excitement brewing inside of her. 

A few Fae zipped down, surrounding Bella in curiosity. One creature was a deep, royal blue. The tail was two-pronged, its skin glittering in the moonlight. The other was a bright blue, almost like ice. Water continuously dripped from it's hair. A tiny, watery hand reached back, grabbing Bella's fingertip. 

"Hello," she breathed. The Fae creature grinned, rushing toward the river, diving in. Bella whirled, searching for the creature again, also searching for Cynthia. "That was a water faery," Cynthia's voice sounded. 

Bella's eyes filled with wonder, she couldn't hold back the genuine smile. The sound of groaning brought Bell's attention behind her. A humanoid figure melded out of a nearby tree, making Bella gasp. Cynthia walked up to Bella, putting an arm around her. 

"Don't worry, it's just Hadassah," Cynthia smiled.

Hadassah glided forward, her arm slithered out longer, reaching for Bella. Bella immediately reached back, she wanted to know Hadassah. The branch-like arm wrapped around Bella's waist, pulling her close.

"Will keep safe," Hadassah's windy voice whispered. 

Bella tilted her head to the side. What did she mean?

"She's been keeping watch at your house," Cynthia informed.  

"For how long?"

"A few days," Cynthia smiled. 

Bella wanted to thank her, but she heeded Cynthia's warning. She merely laid her head down on Hadassah's barked chest, this was her way of silently thanking her. 

They spent the next few hours spending time with the Fae, listening to stories and legends. Cynthia told of her home in Faeland. She had lived there for several years; she did have all the time in the world. She told Bella the legend of Master Mirror, a shape-shifting Unseelie, who had been deformed and cut off from years of abandonment. He lives in Faeland, in his own bubble of a dimension where he can not escape. The Fae held trials for newcomers, to face Master Mirror and survive. This was their way of keeping outsiders on the outside. No one faces Master Mirror and lives. This particular Unseelie steals your likeness, your image. He drags you down into his dimension, where you cease to exist. Bella didn't like that story.

She mentioned briefly of her life before the Fae, how her little sister passed on. She never mentioned a name, not yet. Cynthia told her stories of Rowena, her grandmother. Cynthia tried to recount the travels of Rowena, but she couldn't remember the details. She knew she was born in Scotland, sometime in the 17th century. Bella soaked in all those stories, the cold air and ground she paid no mind, for the fire faeries were near.

"It all sounds so magical. I wish I could have seen it," Bella commented.

"Maybe I'll take you there one day," Cynthia grinned.

Bella's face lit up something fierce. "I would love to."

Cynthia laughed, enjoying Bella's excitement. Edgar, who had warmed up to Bella surprisingly quick, was lounging in her lap. "I could show you where I grew up, too," he gruffed.

"You grew up in Faeland?"

"We all did, Bella!" Faelynn's chipper voice piped up.

Edgar jumped up, waving his hands around, creating the images with the magic at his fingertips. Images of brilliant and intimidating mountains appeared, the vast sea of white, the unnecessarily tall trees that littered the blanket of snow.

"There," Edgar pointed at the massive cave entrance, right in the middle of the biggest mountain. "We were practically neighbors with Master Mirror."

Bella shuddered at the name. Cynthia patted her back, earning a small smile from Bella. "I hope I never meet him."

"Me, too," Cynthia sighed.

Cynthia and Bella called it a night and returned back to Bella's house. But before Cynthia waved her hand to call forth a circle of mushrooms, Bella gripped her hand. Cynthia turned to Bella in confusion, seeing her devastated look.

"Am I going to forget this?"

Cynthia's features softened. "No, Bella. I wouldn't do that to you."

Bella sighed. "I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't, I just-"

Cynthia put a finger over Bella's lips. "You're family now. The Fae have already accepted you, because I do. The Fae and I share a very strong and complex connection. They love you, Bella. Just like I love you."

Bella smiled a trembling smile. "I love you, too, Cyn."

Cynthia called forth a circle of mushrooms right beneath them, wrapping her arms around Bella in a comforting hug. They were transported directly into Bella's bedroom, still wrapped in a hug. Cynthia coaxed Bella to bed, then stood at the window. Listening. Hadassah was back again, in the woods behind the house. Charlie would be waking soon, as the Fae say his dreams are nearing their end. It was four in the morning, making Cynthia grimace. She had no idea they were gone for that long. Cynthia finally got in bed with her sister. Lo and behold, the Fae were right. She heard Charlie shuffling in his bedroom right as she drifted off to sleep.

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