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Music of the Day
Dreamland Fairies by Brandon Fiechter

THE explosion rocked the earth beneath her feet. Cynthia whipped her head toward the mountains. Thousands of Fae were heard gasping and shouting, hastily zipping toward the scene. She could easily spot it, the beam of magic that caused panic in her heart; and desolation.

Cynthia sprinted toward the mountains, ignoring the calls of the Fae. She did not tire, even if she did, she wouldn't have stopped. She hadn't felt like this since it all started... The mountains were getting closer, her panic getting stronger.

Cynthia finally made it to the entrance, only to find the shimmering wall completely shattered. Fae creatures gasped and murmured; they were terrified. This could only mean that Master Mirror had gotten out. Cynthia hesitated at the shattered wall, gulping before she pushed herself through. She had to find Bella.

Wisps had surrounded Bella, their glowing domes pulsing with light. But she was lying motionless on the floor. The glass had not touched her, the magic itself had protected her from the falling shards. Cynthia choked in a gasp, for she saw so much blood. She inched closer, everything moving in slow motion. The wisps made room, as more and more Fae creatures made their way inside.

Cynthia couldn't hold it in anymore. Her sobs racked her body as she fell to her knees. There Bella lay, her right arm was mangled, bleeding. Cynthia could clearly see how the gashes in her skin traveled up the right side of her neck, stopping just at her jawline.

"Bella! Bella, no, no!" Cynthia blubbered through her sobs.

Cynthia's despair washed over the Fae, making the creatures near her cry out. Her trembling hands caressed Bella's face, arms, shoulders. Cynthia's mind finally started working, but barely held itself together. She checked for a pulse. She didn't feel one. She gasped and held her ear over Bella's mouth. She wasn't breathing, either.

The Fae Queen was at Cynthia's side in no time, confusion and horror on her once peaceful features. The queen hovered her slender hands over a lifeless Bella, feeling for anything.

"She's not breathing," Cynthia choked out.

"She mingled witchcraft with our magic," the queen informed.

Cynthia looked up, eyes wide. "Is that possible?"

"It is now." The Queen rested her hands above Bella's heart. Electricity crackled before the queen sent jolting waves to her heart. Bella's body jolted, but nothing more.

"Again," Cynthia demanded.

Bella's body jolted again, but still nothing more.


"No more than three," the queen vaguely whispered.

Cynthia bore into the queen's eyes. "Again."

Bella's body jolted one last time, both Cynthia and the queen jumped at Bella's sudden, ragged gasp. She was breathing! Cynthia cried out in relief, draping herself over Bella.

"We must leave," the queen stated.

Wisps scrambled underneath Bella's limp body, carrying her upon their glowing domes. They all scattered out of the dimension, while the Fae Queen lingered at the entrance. She gazed wearily at the shattered wall, then around the forest before her. He would show himself soon.

Bella awoke with a painful jolt. Groaning, she tried to roll away from the sunlight that threatened to burn out her retinas. She raised her arm to shield her eyes, only to cry out in pain.

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