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Bakugo pov))

"Hey I'm gonna do a stream tonight." Kirishima turns and nods.

"That's fine. I'll probably just be out here." He's splayed across couch and some random shows on the TV. "See ya." I nod and walk into my room, plopping down in my chair. I haven't done enough asking questions on stream so I guess we'll just do that. I set up my camera and get everything ready. I start it and immediately people join.

"I'm not gaming on this stream I'm just gonna answer questions. I haven't done that in a while." I realize I didn't get a water bottle and groan. "Fuck it. I'll be right back." I take my headphones off and go grab a water bottle. Kirishima walks into his room and I realize my stream probably saw it but I don't give a shit. I come back and the comments are just asking who walked in the back. "That's my roommate you ass hats. No you can't see him."

"That kinda looked like Kirishima!" I roll my eyes.

"What about it? He's a fuckin roommate not an arch angel. Ask better questions."

"How old are you?" How many fucking times do I have to answer this question?

"I'm 22. I've said that like 900 times." I take a swig of water.

"Sexuality? Love your vids!"

"I honestly don't really know what my sexuality is. I guess pan because I honestly don't really care if you got tits or not. I've only dated one person and I wanted to hang myself the entire time." I cringe, fuckin hated her.

"Oooohhhhh! Who'd you date?"

"I'm not gonna say her name cause I don't know if she's okay with that but we dated senior year. I broke up with her cause she went to college and I not gonna do fuckin long distance. We didn't end on bad terms I just didn't really like her much to begin with." I shrug as more comments come in.

"Are you a virgin?????🤭🤭" I shake my head.

"I'm not a fuckin virgin. That's pussy shit." I hear a quiet 'Hey!' From Kirishima's room. I snort and turn around in my chair. "It's true Shitty Hair!" I turn back around and chuckle.

"Shitty hair?"

"His hair looks like the Canadian flag. Shut up."

"It does not!" Kirishima yells and I can just tell he's pouting. I snort again and shake my head.

"Ignore him." A lot of the comments are saying that sounded like Kirishima or Kiri_plays. His Twitch username.

"What's your first name??"

"My first names Katsuki. Don't call me that it sounds to much like my moms."

"Thotsuki! Bakuhoe!" That stupid fuckin joke. I was gaming with Pikachu and Soy Sauce and they called me Bakuhoe and I can't get that shit off my back. I roll my eyes.

"That's fuckin worse. I hate you all." Theres a scream from the other room. I immediately go to in Kirishima's room. "The fuck happened?"

"Spider." I snort and lean against the wall.

"You sounded like a little girl Jesus Christ." He frowns and sits on the floor.

"Do not!"

"Yeah, you really did."

"I'm manly!" I scoff.

"Uh huh, sure." He pouts more then his eyes widen and his eyes lock right by my feet. I look down and see a Wolf Spider right by my left foot. "This is what scared you?" He nods and immediately jumps on his desk. I lean down and scoop the spider up with my hand.

Gaming Your Way There (kiribaku)Where stories live. Discover now