Another little one

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Three years later

Rose's POV

The doctor and I decided to have one more child and we did. On the 14th of January Jay was born. He had very dark brown hair, also as dark as black, and hazel coloured eyes. The pregnancy with Jay was much easier in many different ways, for a start it wasn't twins and nothing went wrong. Jay wasn't infected by anything in any way like Gracie and Evelyn were with the hypothermia and getting snow coloured hair because of it.

Just a few seconds after Jay was born the doctor placed him in my arms. He was wrapped in a blanket keeping him warm. Emma was looking after Gracie and Evelyn for the day and helping them learn to write a few words. They are already able to use a pencil or pen and write a few letters. The doctor says them being time lord makes them smarter than the average three-year-old.

The doctor sat down next to me and placed his hand around my waste. I put my head into the doctor's shoulder. Jays cry was quite loud but was soon sorted after I gently rocked him for about a minute.
"Should I go and get Emma, Grace and Eve?" The doctor asks and I nod as he stands up. He leaves the medical room and walked towards the library.

Both Eve and Grace were the first two to come through the door followed by the doctor and Emma.
"Mummy can we see," Grace said while jumping up and down trying to see. I sat Jay up properly so they could see. Eve tried to get up onto the bed next to me so Emma walked over lifting her next to me. Them Emma lifted Grace and she put her hands around Emma's neck keeping herself upright.
"Can I hold him?" Eve asks from beside me. I turned myself around to face her and gently placed Jay into her arms. I turned around and see the doctor standing at the side of the bed watching us.
"Can I hold him now?" Grace asks. I took Jay back and Eve got off the bed and Emma put herself on the bed next to me. I handed Jay over again and Grace gently stroked his cheek making him fall asleep almost instantly.
"Looks like someone else has the baby touch as well," the doctor says from behind me while picking Eve up. "Your older sister would always get you both to sleep quickly,"
"You two would take ages to get to sleep, but when Emma did it you were both asleep within seconds," I say looking over to Emma. She smiled at me in responses.
"Could I hold him?" Emma asks and I nod. She takes Jay out of Grace's arms while he was still asleep.

"So what stuff have you three been doing today?" The doctor asks looking at Eve.
"Writing," She replies "Emma is a good teacher,"
"I'm only good because your mum was the one who taught me out to read and write," Emma says looking up at Eve who was in the doctor's hands.
"And we have been playing games," Grace adds from beside me.
"What sort of games?" I ask
"Playing with the guitar and piano in the library," Eve says.
"You lot are always playing an instrument," I laugh.
"Never too young to learn," the doctor says.

Later that day I was in the library with Jay asleep on my lap while Grace sat on the piano stool with a guitar making a few gently songs. She was really good for a three-year-old. Eve was playing along with the help of Emma. I sat facing them as they have there backs to me facing the piano. It was a really easy song to play but it sounded really good.

Just as they finished I turned around and saw the doctor standing in the doorway.
"Mummy did you like our song?" Grace asks as I look back around to them.
"It's better than I could do," I laugh. The doctor walks in and over towards them.
"Little test?" The doctor asks them.
"Yes please," both Eve and Grace said.
"First Gracie, play me an F chord," she looks down at the guitar and puts her fingers in certain places and strums the strings.
"Well done, now show me a C," Grace quickly changes her fingered around again and strums the strings again.
"Very good," he says and turned around go Eve who was standing at the piano. "Eve show me a C major," she turns around to the piano and looks up and down the keyboard first then places her left hand on three keys and plays the chord. "Now a G minor," she quickly moves her left hand onto three different chords and played another sound. "Very good, you two are getting the hang on this music," he says and looks up at Emma who was standing at the side of the piano.
"Do you want me to do some playing," she smiles and the doctor nods. She moves to the piano as the doctor tells her what he wants her to do.
"D minor broken chord,"
"You know I struggle with broken chords," she turned around and says with a smile. She turned back around placed other of her hands on the keyboard. She waited a few seconds before playing. I hadn't heard her play the piano much but I was amazed when she played. The doctor also seemed amazed at her skills. She's only been playing the piano for about two years now and she was only eleven years old but she was already quite good.
"Wow, now play a G major broken chord," she turns a few pages on the book in front of her and then played again. She turned around to face the doctor. "Lastly do a C major broken chord," he says. She turns back around and plays again.

As she stops playing Jay silently woke up.
"Was that good?" She asks.
"That was amazing," I say and sat Jay up on my lap. I look over to Eve and Grace. "Time for bed then you two," I say standing up with Jay in my arms. I hand him over to the doctor and went over to where Grace and Eve were. "Come on your two," I say.
"Cant we have a few more minutes?" Eve whines.
"Come on, bedtime," I say. They both groan.
"Go on you two, we can do more tomorrow," Emma says.
"Why can't we do more now?" Grace asks.
"Because it's bedtime," I reply.
"I bet I can get into bed first," Grace says to Eve. They smile at each other and ran off to there room.

"Sometimes there competitive behaviour can be handy," the doctor laughs.
"Saves me a job I suppose," I say with a slight laugh and walked towards the door. I walked into there room and they are both already in their pyjamas and tucked up in bed.
"Goodnight you two," I say walking over to Eve's bed and hugged her then to the opposite side of the room to Grace's bed and also hugging her.
"Goodnight," they both said as I turned the light off in their room.

I walked back into the library and Emma was sat down playing some more songs on the piano while the doctor was sat on the sofa in front of the fire listing and watching her play with Jay asleep in his arm. I walked in silently not wanting to disturb Emma while she was playing. I sat down next to the doctor as she just finished playing and turned around to face us.
"I didn't hear you walk in," she smiled "did you like my song," she added.
"It was really good," I say and she smiles turning back around to look at the music book that was on the piano. She turns a few more pages and then rests her hands on the keys and starts playing again.

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