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Emma's POV

As the doctor ran off Eve tries to follow him but I quickly stopped her and she turns around to me.
"We need to help," she says
"We need to keep out of trouble," I say to her. "They will be fine, they have done it make times before, Ive been with them before," I say
"Anything can happen, we don't know they will be safe," Eve says as her eyes start to water.
"Come here," I say and she quickly puts her arms around me. Grace comes from behind me and quickly also hugs me.
"It will all be alright I promise,"
"What happened when you were with them?" Eve asks.
"When I was seven they save me from someone, Your mum was in a cell in the basement of my old house and she was also at risk," Grace quickly stopped me.
"Why was she at risk?" She asks. I smile lightly
"She was five weeks pregnant with you two, anything could have happened. And the TARDIS was sent away with your dad in it. After they saved me while I was shot in my shoulder and looked after me and raised me for the last eight years of my life," I say
"What was so dangerous about it?" Grace asks.
"There were deadly things in the house. And the person who captured her could have killed her at any point," I say and sighed
"Who captured her?" Grace asked. I hesitated for answering.
"It was my dad, he never treated me well either he was the one who shot me in my shoulder," I say trying to hold back tears as all the memories flood back in, although it wasn't there fault, they didn't know.
"Sorry, I didn't know," Grace says looking up at me. I realised I must have just been daydreaming for the last few seconds.
"It's fine," I say and sighed again. "Come on we can't stay here, let's go back up to your grandma's flat, and see if she's back in there now,"

We walked carefully down the streets, keeping out of sight from clowns and occasionally hiding in alleyways. Both Eve and Grace were holding my hands and running along aside me.

As we approach the flat a clown was standing outside the doors. Eve squeeze my hand and we all took a few steps back into an alleyway.
"How are we going to get in?" Grace asked I didn't reply at first. I thought about what the doctor had once told me. 'Don't think too hard about your plan or you will overthink it' I thought for a few more seconds and had a plan.
"Windows, we have climbed out them, we can climb in them," I say and clicked my fingers.

We walked carefully and quietly around to the back of the flat and in through a broken window. lifted both Grace and Eve up and though the window before pulling myself up and though the window.
"Where now?" Grace asks quietly as where was a knocking on door at the other side of the room. I gasped as pulled both Eve and Grace behind a table and we all ducked down also being careful not to make too much noise.

The door crashes open and footsteps filled the silence. Suddenly the noise of a chainsaw joined the sound of footsteps. Grace slightly whimpers but was way to quiet for anyone else to hear. I pull her in for a hug and she puts her head on my shoulder. I heard a table in the room get chopped up by the chainsaw. Eve puts her hands over her ears from the loud roaring sound of the chainsaw's teeth hitting and cutting the wood.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm myself down a little and tried to convince myself that the clown did not know we were in here and it would soon go. Time seemed to stand still as the clown stayed in the room and was chopping up tables and splitting chairs in half. Suddenly half a chair was thrown at the window in front of us and smashed the last bit of the window. The chair falls in front of me, Eve and Grace huddled closer into me. All I heard was the crashing of chairs and tables and the chainsaw roaring.

All the sounds around me stopped and all that was left was footsteps getting quieter and quieter. I knew the clown had left us and didn't know we were in here. I let out a sigh of relief and suddenly heard a voice from beside me.
"Is it safe now?" Grace wishers. I slightly stand up and looked over the table the room was a mess, tables cut in half, chairs in half all over the floor and the door had a massive hole in it.
"It's safe now, although be quiet, we don't want to startle any more clowns," I say standing up and also holding out both of my hands to help Eve and Grace up.

"So what are we going to do now?" Eve asks.
"back up to your grandma's flat, it would be a miracle but she might be back in there now," I say. They both nod and we all walked carefully out the room. As we got to the stairs Eve stopped suddenly.
"What's wrong?" I ask. She bends down and picks something up which I didn't see. "What have you found?" I ask
"look," She says holding out a pair of nunchucks. I take them off her and inspected them.
"What are they?" Grace asked.
"They are used as threats and to strangle people, they would normally go around peoples necks," I explain and put the nunchucks into my bag that I had on my back, and also forget I had on. I lifted the bag back into my back and we all walked back to the stairs into Jackie's flat.

The door had been chopped open by a chainsaw and all that reminds is the outside of the door with a massive hole in. I quickly turned around when I heard footsteps again, there was a clown just down the walkway and I wasn't sure if it had seen us.

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