Moving in the shadows

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The doctor's POV

We all get to the flat doors again and opened them. I entered first and looked around for a door that was not smashed or broken.
"There are a few empty rooms up a few floors, I'm sure they wouldn't have been touched, no need to seen as there is no one living in them," Rose said. I turn to face her at the door with the sun setting behind her holding Jay. He never really liked walking anywhere he didn't want to walk anywhere he didn't know just in case he got lost is what he once told us. We all walked towards the stairs and we quickly walked up them.

I got to the first floor before I realised something I needed to know.
"What floor are the empty rooms on?" I ask
"The first one is on the third floor," Rose says from behind me. I skipped the second floor and made my way to the third room and stepped off the stairs. I paused waiting for everyone to catch up.
"Down to the right end of this corridor," Rose says pointing to the left corridor as she reaches the top of the stairs.

We all end up walking down the last corridor to the end room with a door that was not yet broken. I soniced up and down the door but nothing happened. I forgot the door was wooden.
"Let me try," Rose says putting Jay on the ground and walking in front of me. She pulls a key out of her pocket and unlocks the door. I was about to ask how she had a key to this room but she asked the question before I had time I speak. "Mum sometimes uses this room. Dunno why but she has a key to it," she said placing the key back into her pocket. She walked into the room with Emma following closely behind with Jay beside her. I look over to the twins but they were too distracted by whatever was going on outside the flat to realise the door was now open.

"There," Eve points at something. I look over and saw nothing.
"What is it you two?" I ask
"Something is moving in the shadows," Grace says. I look around on the ground but saw nothing.
"There's nothing there, come on," I said hurrying them into the room.
"Look there," Eve says pointing again. I quickly looked over and saw something move. I didn't question it and hurried them two into the room.

It was a normal flat with only a TV, a few sofas and a table in the room. Rose was sat on the only armchair in the room with Jay on her lap and Emma was sat on the sofa with her backpack in front of her on the floor, she wouldn't leave it anywhere.

Grace and Eve sat on the sofa next to Emma but before I could do anything something caught my attention.
"Eve," I say and walked over to her. She quickly lookup properly at me. Her eye was red as well.
"What's wrong?" She asked with fear in her voice.
"Just look at me for a few seconds," I said lifting her chin slightly. I looked into her eyes and they were slowly going red.
"What's wrong?" She asks again
"Just don't touch your eyes and don't worry," I say.

I walked quietly over to the window and looked outside. It was now pretty much pitch black. I looked away for a second and looked back and saw a moment in the shadows. I try to look more closely but it was just pitched black. I told myself it was just my imagination and closed the curtains. I turned proper back around and first saw Rose on the armchair with a gentle grip on Jay who was cuddling into Rose. I could see the fear in Rose as she cuddled with Jay. His face was buried into her chest and his hands were together pressed into his chest.

I walked over to them both and Rose looked up at me but Jay didn't move. She smiled weakly at me and looked back down at Jay again. She put her head on Jay's head and closed her eyes.

Suddenly I heard a sound from outside and quickly turned my gaze towards the window. My curiosity told me to open the curtains again and check what that sound was but I also had a feeling if I make any movement with the curtain it will draw attention to whatever it was outside.

I took a deep breath and decided to slightly move the curtains to see outside. I looked on the ground floor and saw a chainsaw quick was not there before. I heard another sound and it sounded like a chainsaw. I slowly looked away hoping not to make any sudden movements and startled anything outside. I turn fully back around and found everyone watching me.
"What was it?" Emma asks before anyone else has a chance to speak.
"Was it that thing me and Gracie saw before?" Eve asks before I had a chance to answer any questions.
"I didn't see what it was, just a shadow moving around," I say quickly before anyone else asks a question.
"What was making that sound?" Jay asks. I look over at him a surprise he asked any questions.
"Like a chainsaw," I said looking at Rose just as we all heard another sound. It sounded like metal chains being bashed together. I pulled out the nunchucks from my back pocket.
"Maybe these belong to whatever is outside now," I say quickly to myself but I knew I said it loud enough for everyone to have heard me.

"I think it's time for me to ask a question now," Rose says "and it could be the most of our problems right now," I quickly look over to her as she spoke. I nodded for her to speak and by this point, everyone was staring at her as well. "Why is the TV on and why is there an angel on it," she asks. We all turned our gaze to the TV.

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