One gone

1 1 0

The doctors POV

Rose and I walked towards Jackie's flat. Before we walked in I turned to Rose.
"If anyone asks you your eye is ok just tell them it's fine, we don't want to worry the little ones," I say and Rose nods.

We walk into the flat hoping to be silent but Eve and Grace heard us and came straight over. I picked Eve up as Rose picked Grace up.
"Hello you two," Rose says as we walk into the living room. I lowered Eve back onto the ground and walked over to the window. I peered outside and the sun was starting to set. There were no angels around which scared me. I turned back around and saw Rose sitting down with Eve and Grace.
"Where's grandma?" She asks
"Were heard a screen from downstairs and she wanted to go and see if everyone was alright," Eve replies.
"And how long has she been gone for?" Rose asks and I could tell she was slightly concerned.
"About twenty-four minutes," Emma said looking at the clock. Emma was sitting on the armchair with Jay on her lap watching TV with him. Rose looked at me and stood up and walked over to me.
"Why would she been gone so long?" Rose asks quietly. Concern washes over me quickly before I answer.
"You don't think she just disappeared like pretty much everyone else has?" I ask and looked over Rose's shoulder. Eve and Grace had a five hundred piece puzzle together, it was a music puzzle with notes and more music stuff. Jay was watching the TV but Emma was watching Rose and I and I knew she could hear us. I turn my gaze back to Rose.
"Did she mention anything before she left?" Rose asks looking at Emma but she shakes her head.
"All she said was that I was in charge and to look after these three until she's back. I did get a little worried when she didn't come back after fifteen minutes but I couldn't go and look for her since I needed to look after Jay. It is was just Eve and Grace I would have taken them with me but Jay is still a little too young," Emma said sitting Jay on the arm of the chair. Rose looks back over to me.
"We need to go and look for her before anything can happen," Rose says to me. I stay silent trying to work out what to do next.
"We can't just leave them here on own again, I know Emma is now fifteen and can look after these three by herself now but anything can happen. Like how people have been disappearing, they can just be taken away or disappear and she can't do anything about it," I say still being quiet not wanting to alarm anyone.
"I know but we can't take them with us. Jay is still too young to be going out on dangerous adventures,"
"If we get them to the TARDIS they can stay in there while we are out looking for people and trying to figure out what is going on," I said.

"Daddy can you help us with our puzzle," Grace asked. I looked over to where Grace and Eve were sitting with the puzzle in front of then half completed. I walked over to where they were sitting and knelt beside the puzzle.
"only if we are quick," I say to them. They both nod and I picked up a piece.

When the puzzle was almost finished I let Eve and Grace to finish the last little bit of the puzzle by there selfs. I stood up and sat down on the sofa next to Rose. She had picked up one of the newspapers from the table and was reading the news.
"anything interesting in there?" I ask. She shakes her head.
"it's only saying about the people disappeared,"
"any information we might need?" I ask.
"it's only saying that people are disappearing all over London as fast as a plague spreads to people,'
"Just in London?" I ask looking at the newspaper.
"just London, everywhere else in the UK is fine," She pauses and a reading another few lines.

Suddenly there was a tap on the window. We all looked over to the window. I stood up and walked over to the window and slowly opened the curtains. An angel was staring right up at the window. I blinked a few times and watched where it was heading. It was heading for the door into the flat.
"Hid now!" I say "is the front door still open?" I ask
"yes, it's open, why?" Emma says a sounding scared.
"close it now and quick," I say. I heard the door close and I closed the curtains again. Rose had taken Eve, Grace and Jay into the kitchen. Jay was in Rose's arm softly crying with fear. Eve and Grace were hugging each other and comforting each other.
"Doctor what's going on?" Emma asks. I look over to her and replied.
"there's was a weeping angel outside and it was staring right up at us, and it's heading up here,"
"was outside?" Emma asks as there was a knocking sound on the door. I sighed and told Emma to go into the kitchen as well.

Suddenly I heard the sound of door braking and I look over go the door. The angel had put its hand through the door trying to get in. I turn back around to face everyone in the kitchen. I went to walk in and Rose suddenly frozen again. I looked behind me and the angel had broken its way in. I back away slowly into the kitchen as well and Grace grabbed my hand.
"it's ok don't worry," I say to her trying to calm her down. She jumps in front of me and I lifted her and walked into the kitchen still looking at the angel. It stays at the other it the flat as it starts to crumble. It's outstretched arm slowly crumbles into dust.
The lights of the flat start to flicker and it gradually got closer to us. I felt Eve grab onto my leg as the angel fully crumbles. I quickly looked away as the dust from the angel floated towards us. The lights stopped flickering and I put Grace back on the ground.
"are you ok? I ask her.
" yeah I'm ok," she says. I nod and turned around to face Rose. Both of her eyes were now very red.
"We need to get them to the TARDIS now," she says. I nod and turned back around and saw Grace rubbing her eyes. I felt a fear pass through me. I knelt in front of her to check her over again.

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