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The doctors POV

I stood up straight after Rose and followed her out of the back street. All the clowns were running away from us and at the front of the crowd of clowns where people, at first I couldn't make out who they were but after a few seconds I instantly knew who they were.
"Follow them but keep out of sight of the clowns," I say to Rose who was running in front of me.
"Why would they have left the room?" She says and I wasn't sure if she was talking to me or asking herself.

We followed the clowns but quickly needed to hide in the dark parts of an alleyway again when they all turn around. Luckily when they turned around Emma, Grace, Eve and Jay managed to hid in an alleyway. The clowns carried on running and both me and Rose ran across the street and found them sat in the alleyway. Jay was hugging tightly around Emma and Grace and Eve were at each side of Emma.

As we approached the alleyway I accidentally kicked a stone and it scattered across the floor. Eve hugged Emma tighter.
"Don't worry it's just us," Rose says in a quiet voice. She crouches down and Grace and Eve quickly hug her.
"Why are you out here?" I ask Emma.
"A clown found us. It chopped open the door," I quickly stopped her.
"How did you get out? There was only one door in the room and it was way too high to climb out the window, we were on the top floor,"
"When we heard the chainsaw we all hid and waiting for the clown to fully come in and that's when we ran out the door, it did end up being a close call but we all got out unharmed," Emma says as Jay looks up. He holds his hands out for me to pick him up so I did.
"Smart move, hiding and waiting," I say and smiled.

I turn back around to face Rose and Grace and Eve still hadn't let go of her. At that seconds I saw a clown walked passed.
"Hid," I say quickly. We all sat down in the dark. The clown walked down the alleyway and suddenly turned its chainsaw on. It lifted its chainsaw and hit the door at the end of the alleyway. We all stayed silent not wanting to make the clown know we were here. As the door broke the clown walked in and this was our chance.
"Run to that alleyway over there and get in the dark," I say. We all stood up and Jay put his arms around my neck as we ran towards the other alleyway. All the other clowns were starting to come back into the road but luckily non of them saw us.

As we sat back down in the dark we watched the clown come out of the building and dragging its chainsaw behind it. It exited the alleyway and walked down the road out of our sight. We all stood back up and I gave Jay over to Rose.
"That was lucky," Rose says.
"What do we do now? We can't stay here long or they will find us," Emma says.

Suddenly behind Rose, I see a figure approaching us.
"Rose move out the way quickly," but it was too late. A clown had grabbed her and swung the nunchucks around her neck.
"Move with us, don't resist or you will die," the clown said. Another clown grabbed Jay and he knew too well not to fight back. Just as they move away I quickly turned around to Emma,
"Keep them safe, and you two," I say looking down to Eve and Grace, "keep out of trouble. I'll be back," I say and ran off towards the clowns who took Rose and Jay.

We made to Westminster bridge, and I could now see Big Ben. I was now behind the clowns but before I could do anything else I felt a clown grab me from behind and also swung a nunchuck around my neck. I tilted my head back slightly and didn't try to get free. I knew if I tried resisting I would just get chocked to death or slit in half by the chainsaw.

We walked across the bridge and towards the big bed with the only sound around us was the wind and the slight crashing of the water beneath us.

As we got to the other side of the bridge we were taken to the back of Big Ben. One of the clowns knocked on the side of Big Ben and we all waiting. Suddenly there was an entrance to Big Ben and we walked inside.

We were walked down many corridors until we got to a room with lots of chambers. We walked in and pretty much all the chambers were filled up with people. Unconscious and wires connected to them. The clowns took us to three unoccupied chambers and opened them up.
"Why are you doing this?" I asked before we were all put in.
"Invasion of the clowns, we put you in here and it will make more clowns," one of them said, I couldn't make out who was talking because their moves didn't move.
"What happened to the weeping angels?" I asked trying to stall time.
"We made them crumble, it's the invasion of clowns, not angels,"
"So are the weeping angels extinct?" Rose asks.
"No there are still many weeping angels all around time and history," I say to her before any of the clowns can speak.
"So why do you need to more clowns? There are already a lot," Rose asks. The clown glared at her and at first, I thought it was going to do something to her, but it just answered her question.
"All the people need to be clowns, no humans left," it says.
"So how many people are left in London?" I asked still trying to stall time.
"Three, then when we have them we will move on to all the other cities," it replies and then I realise the only people left in London were Emma, Gracie and Evelyn. They had to save London and the human race.

But before either me or Rose could ask any more questions all three of us were shoved into separate chambers and the doors closed. I went to grab my sonic screwdriver but it wasn't in my pocket. I looked out the glass chambers and realised it had fallen out my pocket, it was just on the floor. I took a deep breath in as the wires moved towards me and one stabbed into my wrist and I couldn't remember anything else.

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