New room

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Rose's POV

We walked back down the street towards the flat once again when suddenly we all stopped. For once Jay wasn't hugging into me for comfort and was staring at the figure near to the flat.
"Stay quiet and just get into the flat," the doctor says quietly. I could feel my heartbeat getting faster at the sight of the figure but I tried to stay calm and moved towards the door. I held Jay with one hand and opened the door. Grace and Eve were the first ones to get in through the door.

After everyone hurried though the door I gently closed it and turned around and saw Grace and Eve hugging each other. I crouched down in front of them and they both looked at me.
"What's wrong?" I ask them in a gentle voice. They both hugged me and all of a sudden I was hugging three children. "It's all alright I promise," I say. I pull back slightly and Eve wiped away the tears on her cheek.
"What's going to happen now?" Grace asked. I gently wiped away the last of Eve's tears with my thumb. Before I could answer the doctor spoke.
"We're going to get to the bottom of whats going on, we can't have London infested by them things, and hopefully get rid of them," he says.

For once Jay let go of me and turned around to face Eve. He hugged her tightly and she returned the hug. I looked over to the doctor and he was just watching with a smile. I turned back around to them. Jay quickly said something to her on the lines of "everything will be ok," but his quiet voice made it so I couldn't fully hear, and it didn't help he had his face against Eve's chest.

Everyone stood sightly for a bit just before Jay pulls away from the hug.
"Thank you," Eve said quickly.
"Come on you two we need to get to a safer place now and quick," I say.
"Easier said than done," the doctor said. I looked up confused at first and then saw an angel in one of the doorways. I froze once again and stared at the angel.

It started to crumble just as the doctor speaks.
"Rose look into its eyes, quickly," he says. I was confused at first, no one can look into an angels eyes but the doctor knows what he's doing and I looked up into its eyes. I felt like my body was being set free as the angel crumbles.

Just as the angel crumbles I felt my eye no longer stinging. The doctor moved in front of me and looked into my eyes.
"It worked," he said. "Looking into an angels eyes puts the angel into you. But there is no angel in a dying angel," he paused waiting for me to finish off the sentence.
"So I gave the angel inside me to the crumbling angel which had no life," I said. He nods and smiles. "So does that mean that angel will now be alive?" I asked. The doctor shrugged and pulled out his sonic screwdriver. He scanned the pile of dust on the floor for a few seconds.
"Nope, perfectly dead, the angel that was in you died with its new body," he said putting his sonic screwdriver away again. I looked around and straight away my attention was caught by Emma staring up at the top of the stairs.
"Doctor," I said quietly. I stood back slightly and picked up Jay knowing what was about to happen next. The doctor looked up at the stairs just as the clown turned on its chainsaw. It made the loud sound as a normal chainsaw would and Emma quickly stood back and towards me. No one dared to move at first but when the clown took a few steps down the stairs we all ran.
"Into this room, we can easily get out the window," I said remember the layout of all the rooms we ran passed. We went into a room on the left and there was a smashed window at the back. We all ran to it and tried to open the window fully to get out but it was stuck.
"Just get them out carefully," the doctor whispers. I nodded and we first let Emma get out. She got through the window like it was nothing. She didn't touch any of the smashed, sharp glass either. I passed Jay though the window to Emma and she grabbed him and quickly placed him on the ground as the doctor lifted Grace and after I picked up Eve and also got her through the broken window. But Eve managed to get her arm caught on the glass and a cut went right down her bare arm. She cried out in pain as the glass slit her skin. Emma grabbed her from my hands and I tried to get out myself. Somehow I managed to get out without scratching or cutting myself on any glass. As I got out fully the doctor also climbed out. As he climbed out I quickly checked Eve's arm. Luckily it only seemed to be a small cut and wasn't very deep. It had already stopped bleeding.

Suddenly the door in the room, we just escaped from, broken from the chainsaw and we all ducked down. The sound of the chainsaw frightening me enough. The doctor pointed over to our right and we crawled over and stood up once we were out of the way of the window. I picked Jay up and we all ran to the main entrance again.
"Rose where is the spare room?" The doctor asked.
"Turn right as we walk in and it's the last door on the right, down that little corridor and it's the last door on the left." I paused and got the idea I was speaking to fast and no one understood me. I must have picked that up from being around the doctor so much. "Just follow me," I say and opened the door.

We ran into the last room which hadn't been wrecked yet. It was smaller than I remembered but it was still a good hiding place.
"Window at the back, if we ever get into trouble again just go through that," but suddenly there was a banging sound on the door.

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