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Rose's POV

First I could only move slightly. I moved my arm trying to work out what happened and where I was without being able to see. Then I heard talking
"Are you sure you are ok?" It sounded like Grace. I tried to take over my body fully and now I could do everything except see. I tried to open my eyes again and I felt all the wires on my fall onto the floor and I had full control over myself again.

Finally, I opened my eyes and saw Emma and Grace outside the chambers. Emma was lying on the floor and she looked unconscious. I knocked on the glass to get Grace's attention and she looked up. I jesters to her to open the chamber and she did. I climbed out and quickly went over to Emma while Grace opens all the other chambers with the help of the people who were free already. Emma had a blood-stained cloth around her head. I took it off revealing a big gash on her head.

"What happened to her?" The doctor asked. At first, I wasn't sure if Grace got him out or he found some way of getting out the chamber himself.
"I don't know, I just found her like this," I said. The doctor kneels in front of her and inspects her head. I folded the cloth up and put it on her head with pressure trying to stop the bleeding.
"Grace," I call hoping she knew what happened. She came over quickly
"What's wrong?" She asks.
"What happened to Emma? Why had she got a cut on her head?" I ask.
"We were getting taken in here by clowns but one of them stepped into a puddle and broke, so it fell backwards and landed into of Emma. And when I pulled off the clown that was on top of her she had a cut on her head and her hand," I looked at her hand and I had been cut but it was all just dried blood now so that was fine.

Suddenly I felt someone grab me lightly from behind and looked over my shoulder. I gave the doctor the job of helping Emma's wound heal slightly so it will stop bleeding so I could go and find everyone. Jay was the one who grabbed me lightly from behind so I stood up and picked him up. He pointed down to Emma and the doctor.
"What happened?" He asked quietly
"Just don't worry, she's fine, we need to go and find your sister," he turned around and pointed at Grace. "I mean Evelyn," I smiled.

Grace decided to come and help me find Eve. We walked through the crowd of people who were either standing around clueless of what to do or heading for the exit.
"Rose," I stopped suddenly and looked around. "What has happened?"
"I'll explain later mum, just have you seen Evelyn anywhere?" I ask but she shakes her head. "The doctor and Emma are over there, Emma has a cut on her head and is unconscious. Just go over to them then when I have found Eve we can all go back outside," She nods and walks down where I had just come from.

We had been looking for about ten minutes and all the crowds of people grew smaller and smaller as they all wondered towards and out the exit, no one wanted to hang around.
"over here," Grace says pulling me along the row of chambers and into another row where Eve was hiding and staying out of the crowds. When she saw us approach her she stood up and ran over to us. First, she hugged Grace and I watched them and smiled
"I thought I lost you forever when that clown grabbed you," Grace says and pulls out of the hug. Eve smiled and turns to me,
"Where is everyone else?" She asked.
"I'll show you, follow us," I say.

As all four of us got back to where the doctor was Emma was sat up against one of the chambers holding the cloth over her cut still looking kind of gazed like she still hadn't properly come around yet. I put Jay on the ground and went over to Emma.
"Are you ok now?" I asked. She nodded and the doctor sat beside her.
"Are these the ones you're on about?" He asked showing her a bandage roll. She nods and the doctor bandaged her head properly.
"Can you just sonic it and heal it?" I asked.
"I lost my sonic screwdriver while we were taken in here earlier.
"Here, I found this earlier," Eve walks over to the doctor and hands him his sonic screwdriver. "I found it when I was taken in here, I managed to escape the clown that was holding me and I found it and picked it up before the clown got me again," the doctor thanked her and sonics Emma's head through the bandages.
"That should do it," he says and slowly takes the bandages back off. All the blood was now dried up and it was just like a normal cut that had healed a tiny bit. "It's too much of a big wound to heal it properly now, that's the best I can do, the rest needs to be healed by itself," Emma nods and I help her up to her feet.
"Let's go back to Jackie's flat while we figure out a way to open the TARDIS doors," the doctor says. We all nod and I picked Jay up and we walked towards the door, we were the lasts ones in this room.

We walked down the corridor which seemed to go on and on and on.
"So how did you stop the clowns?" The doctor asked Emma.
"I went to try and get you out of the chamber you were in because I knew you would have an idea but before I could open the chamber a clown was about to put a chainsaw through my neck so I ducked and the chainsaw went into all the wires," she replies.

"And these are the clowns that originally took me and Grace down here. They stepped in this puddle and stopped working," Emma says pointing at a puddle on the floor. The doctor looks up at the ceiling where the leak was
"We're lucky that leak was here if it wasn't them clowns might of not let go of you two till you were in the chambers.

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