Another kidnapped

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Emma's POV

"In the flat now," I say hurrying them quickly into the flat. I closed the door quickly behind me. I turned back around and they both didn't dare to move into the flat by them selfs, they were standing right behind me.
"Granny isn't in here," Eve says. I hurry them into the flat and I closed the door behind me.
"Looks like we need to save her as well as you mum and dad and Jay and the whole of London," I say quietly
"We?" Grace looks up at me. I smiled and nodded.
"We all need to work together if we want to save London, I can't do this by myself," I say. Grace and Eve both looked at each other and smiled.
"We can save London," Eve says
"Our first real big adventure," Grace says.
"Come on let's hid in one of the bedrooms before that clown realised we are in here and no one will be saving London," I say

It was dark and everything was all broken and smashed, the sofa, the chairs, the doors, practically everything in the room. I tried to turn the lights on but nothing came on, not even a small flicker. I walked over to the window and carefully looked outside without moving the curtains. There were many clowns outside dragging chainsaws and swinging nunchucks. Playing with there curly colourful hair and playing with there big red noses.
"First weeping angels now killer clowns," I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around, still being careful of the curtains and saw both Eve and Grace standing behind me. I couldn't tell which one was which, normally I can easily tell who was who because the lights would be on and I could see there eye colour, Eve have blue eyes and Grace had green eyes, making that the only way I can tell them apart. I looked at them both for a few seconds trying to figure out which was one which but eventually gave up and guessed.
"Let's go into one of the bedrooms and hid, we can only hope there is still something in there which isn't chopped in half," all I can make out is they both nod and walked into Rose's old bedroom. The only thing still in one peace was the bed. So we hid behind that.

I walked in first with both of them behind me when I heard Eve scream. The other way I can tell them apart is they have very different yet very similar screams. I quickly turned around startled and I saw Eve in a clowns arms with a pair of nunchucks around her neck, she whimpered a little bit quickly turned into a silent cry when the clown held the nunchucks closer and titter around her neck. She tilted her head back a little and Grace stood back and stumped into me. I held her tightly before speaking.
"Let Evelyn go!" I say in a low angry voice. Eve tried to brake herself free but the clown only held her titter and by this point, I was surprised she could still breath.
"Quit wriggling around," the clown said looking down at Eve. Eve didn't say or do anything to show she agreed but she did stop trying to set herself free and just silently crying as a single tear rolled down her cheek. I now felt my eyes starting to water.
"Let her go now," I say almost as a shout.
"Get my sister go!" Grace shouted through tears. I knelt beside Grace and picked her up as she put her arms around my neck hugging me tightly and sobbing into my shoulder.

The clown gave a scary smile which scared me and walked closer to us. I walked back with Grace still in my arms. The clown slowly got closer with Eve still in its arms and suddenly I fell back on the bed that was behind me. The clown stopped as soon as I fell on the bed. Suddenly it turned around and ran off. Grace stood up quickly and ran after it so I followed.

We ran out the door and down the balcony towards the stairs. I could now hear the slight cry of Eve as we ran down the balcony. The clown stopped again and turned around to face us. Both I and Grace stopped suddenly.
"Stop following," the clown says.
"Why should we? You have someone who belongs to us," I say arguing back. The clown looked at us and yet it's facial expression didn't change I knew something bad was about to happen. And my prediction was right. The clown tittered the nunchucks around Eve and she was now gasping to breath.
"You wouldn't kill her, you need her for something and that's why you're taking all the people, I've seen stuff like this happen before," I say reminding myself about what the doctor once told me. 'Always remember the monsters don't want to kill you if they need you, a dead body is no use to them. So don't be afraid to be captured or taken away because that could help you,' I played them words though my head a few times and had a plan.
"So why aren't you taking all three of us if you need us so badly," I ask. The clown was slight for a few seconds.
"I'm solo and have no clowns to take you two away," it says. Eve was still gasping for breath and I knew I needed to do something. But before I could think of a plan the clown ran off again. Grace followed it again in front of me. It ran down the stairs and we quickly followed it until we got to the bottom stair and Grace tripped and almost fell on her wrist, she cried out in pain and I sat her up.
"Are you ok?" I ask
"Yeah," although I could tell she was just saying that so we can go back to saving Eve.

I checked her wrist, which I knew could have been easily broken by how she fell on it, and it seemed to be fine. She could move it and that's all that mattered. I stood her back up and we ran out the building still being careful of all the clowns around.

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