The Unexpected(Chapter 18): The Break Up

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I didn't slept at our bedroom, because she was still upset on what happened to us and Ally. I don't know, if I would forgive myself because, first of all, I started to kiss Ally, she just kissed back. Maybe I just missed her, and I just want to be close to her again, but what happened was that, it turns out the wrong way.

I missed Demi so much, I don't want to leave her. I don't want to hurt her. So, I stopped talking to Ally after what we did last night. I woke up and knocked on the door, where Demi is sleeping

"Babe?" I knocked two times. Still no answer.

"Babe, open up, please.." I begged.. I know she's awake because I can hear her crying.

"Please.." I begged one more time.. Finally, I can see her shadow and she opened the door.

"What do you want?" She asked angrily. Her red puffy eyes was looking at me, now I feel guilty.

"I want us to be okay again.. I'm sorry.." I apoligized. I really do miss her..

"Why? Why would I accept that?"

"Because... I love you.."

"Do you really love me?"


"Are you sure?" She asked again, and this time, she held my hand.. "Because, Camila, All I want for you is to be happy. I want you to be the happiest girl in the world. That's my priority to you. To make you happy, but if I'm not the one who makes you happy, I should get out of your way, because all I picture on my mind is you...smiling." She said. Tears was streaming down on my face. I can't believe that she will do that, just for my happiness.

"You do make me happy.." I answered back.

"No, I don't. Somebody makes you happy. She or He is giving you the smiles that I can't even give you. I wanted to be your girlfriend because when I first saw you, your smile was the first thing I saw in your face..." She cried..

"...You have no idea how painful this is for me, because you we're my first. You made me smile everyday.. Hearing your voice was the most amazing music I ever heard. I don't know what will happen to me if we ever break up, but I guess I could move on right?" She said once more

"A-Are you... breaking up with...with me?" I asked hurtly

"Look, I just need time to think. We should probably, cool-off for a moment.. And maybe we could still be friends. What Lauren did to me was the same thing you did to me. I never thought that she will leave me and never come back, but I saw her, once more, but she's happy, with someone else. And I want you to do the same thing, be happy with someone who can make you happy. Hurting me was the worst thing everybody could do to me." She said, while letting go of my hand..

"You know I will always love you, Demi.. You know that.." She just nodded, and we kissed goodbye.. I stood up and said, "Guess, see you later, then?" She wiped her tears away and gave me a weak smile.. "See you later, Camila." Was the only sentence she gave me before I walked out the door.

Never really told me that break-ups would affect you so much. I was hurt, by the girl I loved so much. Now, I don't know what will happen to me, but atleast we cooled down, right? We could still be friends. I will fullfill what she wants me to do.. I will find someone and I will make sure she will make me happy..


Today is when I will ask Cece, to be my girlfriend. I really, really, like her. She has this beautiful, blonde hair, this amazing personality inside her. I still wonder why would a guy cheats on a beautiful person like her.

"Hey Ce.." I asked in a blue

"Yup?" She said

"Can I tell you something?" I said..

Oh my, please help me..

POV- Cece

"Can I tell you something?" She said. Oh my god, what would she say to me?

"W-What is it?" I was so freaking nervous..

"You don't mind that I'm crushing you, right?" She asked me, and I nodded. Even got more nervous

"Well, do you mind if you will be my girlfriend?" My face was in schocked. D-did she just said that?

"W-What?" Was the only word I manage to say

"You heard me. Do you mind if you will be my girlfriend?"

It was true. She's just sitting there, patiently waiting for my answer

"N-No.." Finally, I said it. Yes. I really like Lauren.

"So...." She said as she took my hand.. "Cece Frey.." She kneeled down, and continued, "Will you do the honor, to be my girlfriend?" She said. To be honest, this is the first time a person to be their girlfriend. Most of the guys do is just, kissed me first before they ask me to be their girlfriend. So, I know that she is special. Lauren is special to me.

"Yes, Lauren. I would be.." I said with chuckles.

She stood up, and hugged me. This is our first date. Our first life together..

POV- Lauren

"Yes, Lauren. I would be.." She said.

What?! Did she said yes?! Oh my go-- I stood up and hugged her.

This was the happiness I was waiting for after I was with Demi. I was really happy by that time as she answered me. I was happy with Cece Frey.

The waiter came and gave us the food.

"God, I'm so hungry.." As she said. She's too cute to be like that. Made me fell in love more and more!

"Don't be afrad to full yourself, It's on me." I said. Like I said, It was my treat.

"Thanks, sweetheart." She winked and it made me blush. I like the way she does to me.

"Your welcome, my lady." I said with a british accent.

She chuckled and continue eating. It was pure silence between us, but I was happy, because the happiness I felt before came back, but it's not much though.. I wonder why..

Anyway, we were about to leave the restaurant and she said Cece wants to go to the carnival because she feels like she wants to ride to the ferris wheel.

When we were on the car, I chose to listen to one direction. I don't know but, Cece changed the song...

"Hey, you don't like one direction?" I asked annoyed

"No.. I feel like one of them are gay. Harry Styles.." I was shocked. She can't call him gay!

"No, he's not gay!!" I argued..

"Just change the song!" I continued. I can't fight with her with our first date. "I'm sorry.. Just change the song if you want.." She nodded and change the song..

I was driving and we were finally at the carnival.

"Two tickets please?" I asked the person at the counter.

She gave me the two tickets. And we finally went to the ferris wheel, hand in hand.

She told me earlier, that she'll tell me something.. What could it be..

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