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Marina had spent more time with the guys over the past week, after gathering the strength to voice her disapproval of being left alone and bored. As such, she was given more freedom during the days and nights, and the group brought her with them or made efforts to hang out with her. She was able to observe their differences and individual personalities from both an observer's point of view as well as a participator in their daily lives.

Jimin, for instance, was a relentless prankster. It was like he couldn't even help himself, pulling gags, telling fibs, ribbing his bandmates, and...his personal favorite...making endless flirtatious innuendos. Marina often wondered if he ever finished a sentence without a wink, whether it be her, the stylists, stagehands, or even the backup dancers and other members of the group.

He also like to make out. A lot. The in-life sessions never ended in sex, some sort of agreement between the guys about everyone having a chance at the experience before Jimin could have a second helping, but even his Nyxian sessions were often spent just enjoying the presence of each other's touch without it escalating past that. He was highly amorous, but also remarkably romantic, relishing in hand-holding and whispered sweet nothings in passing.

Hoseok, while equally as flirtatious as Jimin, was also quite studious when it came to work. He was constantly working to learn new moves, learn which moves the rest of the bandmates were capable of, new styles and genres of music to mix into his productions, and even experimented with new styles of clothing. Hoseok was an enigma to the girl. He was the most often to feed from Marina in Nyx, yet also the one most likely to wake her with a gentle smile or to cuddle her to him rather than cuddle into her when they were doing mundane things such as watching television or listening to music in his studio.

Which was convenient, considering that Yoongi thought of Marina as his own personal pillow. He wasn't lazy, he actually slept very little, but he cherished his moments of quiet and relaxation, his head in her lap while her fingers sifted through his soft hair. He loved puzzles, working through number riddles or word searches to defrag his brain between arduous bouts of work or tough practice sessions. He wasn't a man of many words, but when he spoke, it was timely and full of encouragement and praise for the intended listener.

He was a man of miniscule actions. His care was overlooked in its expanse, because it was meant to be. A towel tossd to a sweaty companion, a water bottle given when someone was working hard, a meal made with care even after a long day, his quiet presence as he assisted others with their work. Of all of the demons, Marina saw the most humanity in Yoongi, or at least saw that demons were more than creatures of arrogance and contract duty.

Jin and Namjoon were obviously the heads of the household. the rest often making mom and dad jokes about them as they kept the ship running tight. They were symbiotic, complementary even as they were opposite, capable of predicting needs, assessing situations, and providing resolutions before most were even able to recognize that there was a situation that called for their skills. Jin's fun-loving nature kept Namjoon from sinking too far into his shell, and Namjoon's limitless maturity kept Jin from delving too far into rebellion. Together, they showed Marina the most politeness, referring to her by her name with honorifics or her pet names with adoration. Outside of Jimin, they fed from her the least, and never before checking with her to make sure she was feeling up to it. They always made sure she was fed, spoiled rotten, and had plenty of rest, and were the first to turn her mood back when it went sour thinking of the predicament she was in overall.

Jeongguk was the ultimate boyfriend or friend. Playful, competitive, and full of exuberant youth. He was the perfect sidekick for Jimin's shenanigans, the one to bring the quiet Yoongi or Taehyung into conversation, in constant praise and awe of Namjoon and Jin, and most reverent of Hoseok's general existence. He was fond of touch, most likely to have someone in his grasp during downtime, and most likely to be found sleeping in Marina's bed with or without her. His affections toward her were both innocent and frequent, from sniffing her hair or neck when they hugged or planting a quick kiss to her temple as he walked by, his casual interactions giving the most sense of familiarity.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was the most intimidating. He had a shyness about him, but it made him an observer more than a participant and, at first, made Marina think of him as cold and distant. He was the dreamer, though, with a vivid and creative imagination, ready to lose himself in a trance of music or other forms of art. He was intense, thoughtful, and full of raw sexual energy. Everything he did exuded sensuality, even in the times that he was being light and playful with the members of the house. He moved like a panther, his eyes boring into the object of his attention, and even his voice emitted a smokiness that made Marina's heart attempt to eject from her body. Her sessions with him the other realm were gritty, stripped down, and nearly animalistic, while her conversations with him in either realm were deep, philosophical, and therapeutic. If she was being honest, she enjoyed the facets of his personality most, and his effortlessly handsome features always managed to catch her eye.

In all, Marina was finally beginning to understand the demons with whom she had unintentionally pacted with, and to be remarkably comfortable with them - in their presence, as part of their world.

She was beginning to trust them. As such, she felt her feelings deepen, despite her best intentions to hold them at bay until the year was up.


Everyone let out a sigh of content as they removed their shoes and dropped their bags and coats by the door, the long day showing wear and tear on each and every one of them. Even Marina was exhausted, and she had only basically played dress up with a couple of the stylists as she learned how they worked to dress the boys and apply makeup and hair products for a polished look. She's found she loved the work, and hoped that she might be able to get a job or apprenticeship after her contract was finished. As such, she worked hard during her 'lessons' with the stylists, though it was nothing compared to the dress rehearsals the guys went through in the same time.

"I have tomorrow off," Yoongi rumbled in her ear, helping her lift her handbag from her shoulder.

"Oh?" she turned to him, "What do you plan to do?" she asked lightly, expecting to hear words like 'studio,' 'tracks,' 'writing,' or 'project'.

So, imagine her surprise when she was met with his biggest smile and he answered, "Nothing!"

"Nothing?" she didn't bother to hide the duriousity in her voice.

"Actually, lots of nothing," he answered, "I thought that we could cook dinner together tonight, and prep a breakfast for two that could be heated in the microwave or taken straight from the fridge," He seemed to be getting shy, "Then we could sleep in late, take a long bath, maybe watch a few movies?" He smiled at her again, melting her heart, "Basically a day of lounging and relaxing together."

"That sounds really good," she groaned, caught up in the idea of what it would be like to cuddle with him all day.

He looked like someone who could relax even the most tense person within minutes. So...comfortable.

"I was hoping you'd agree," he grinned, "So I took the liberty of buying you the most comfy pyjamas I could find. They're in your room, but don't put them on until after our bath tomorrow."

Marina didn't miss the 'our' in the bath part, her ears burning at the thought of being naked with him in such a close environment.

"Let's cook!" Jin clapped his hands once with determination, "All these mouths won't feed themselves!"

"Actually, they will," Yoongi laughed, pulling Marina behind him as he followed Jin to the kitchen, "But it's best if we let the professionals handle it."

The Devil Inside - BTSxOC - ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now