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Marina left Jeongguk sleeping in her bed, smiling as she looked at his features. He looked even younger in sleep than he did awake, and she couldn't believe that the guy who was always so sweet and playful had ended up being such a primal beast in the bedroom. She worried for a moment if it was because he was so used to hiding his more manly nature in order to appease fans. She opted to wear comfy shorts and a red tank top after her shower, showing her marks from him off like a badge of honor that told him he could be however he needed to be around her.

Turning the music on low to keep from waking her slumbering lover, Marina decided to start dinner a little early so that it would be ready by the time everyone arrived. She moved her body to the chill-yet-upbeat music on the background, washing and preparing vegetables as she moved comfortably through the kitchen. she smiled to herself when she heard the door open and a couple of voices chatting back and forth.

"Mari, Baby, that smells delici - HOLY SHIT!" She didn't even bother to turn around as Jin rushed up to her, his citrus and linen scent invading her nostrils as he gasped heavily and looked her over. "What the fuck happened to you, Baby?" his voice was filled with concern, "Did you fall down the stairs or something? Are those rug burns?"

"My Wolfie caught me," she shrugged.

"What does that mean?" Taehyung chuckled, "But seriously, are you hurt, Dollface?"

"A little sore," Marina admitted, "But it was fun, and totally worth it."

"Who the fuck is Wolfie?" Jin asked incredulously, "And why would he do this to you? Are those bite marks?"

"Yes," Jeongguk answered sleepily from the entryway as he walked into the kitchen, "And as to why," he slipped between Jin and Marina, pulling her close and nuzzling her ear, "Bunny ran, and she needed to be caught."

Marina sighed and leaned into his strong arms, "Are you hungry, Wolfie?" she giggled as he nipped at her shoulder.

"Starving," he growled, pressing his body to hers possessively.

"You got your chance," Taehyung chuckled, pulling her from Jeongguk and placing her back into Jin's embrace, "If you didn't feed, that's on you."

"I'm not hungry like that," Jeongguk whined, making grabby hands for Marina, "Just hungry for my Bunny. I need lovins!"

Marina laughed at the 180-degree turn of the youngest, going back to cooking as Jin swayed their bodies with his arms secured around her stomach. She was immersed in creating the meal, listening to Jin hum along with the music in her ear, making her feel content and accomplished. She hadn't realized that the other two had left the kitchen as she thought about when her attitude might have turned toward the men she was living with. When did she stop just looking to fulfill her carnal needs, and start finding happiness in their happiness? When did she start caring for them? Her inner dialogue was interrupted when Jin giggled and squeezed her tighter.

"You're going to scorch the soup," he chuckled, reaching around her to making her hand move the spoon it was holding, "What's on your mind, pretty girl?

"What happens if one or more of you fulfill the contract?" she asked absently, letting him continue to help her stir the pot, "I'm not saying it's going to happen," she sighed, unsure of whether or not to continue, "I don't think we're there or anything, but..." she turned her head to look at Jin's curious eyes, "What would happen if it did?"

"I don't really know," Jin admitted, "I assume that the pact is finished, but then we could make future decisions on our own regarding the relationship. That would make sense, wouldn't it?" He looked at her with a warm smile, "I try not to think about it too much," he hugged her tightly again, "Because I just really like having you around."

The Devil Inside - BTSxOC - ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now