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Whatever happened between Marina and Taehyung that night seemed to have opened the floodgates for more moments between her and the others as well.

Soft kisses between her and Jin while cooking in the kitchen. Plink!

Yoongi kissing her fingers as she applied balm to his lips for an interview. Plink!

Dancing with Jimin or Hoseok in the studio or the living room while doing chores. Plink!

Reading next to Namjoon or playing video games with Jeongguk, often ending with playful makeout sessions on the couch. Plink!

But none more than the man who started it all. It seemed that every mildly romantic or intimate moment with him led to other pluck of her heartstrings. It was hard to determine which where the plucks of the pact and which where jumps in her heart as she found herself letting him draw her in. She didn't spend more time with him than the others, nor did she feel as though her feelings for him were stronger, but she was certain that there was something magnetic about him. It could have been the mingering obsession she had from seeing him from afar as an idol, or the aching desire she felt because, while they had been intimate a few more times, Taehyung had always stopped the moment just short of actual sex.

As it was, every time he stood too close, stared too long, or let a simple touch linger, Marina felt that pang in her chest as well as a throb of desire run through her body.


The day of their comeback performance was especially hard, with all of them looking like the demons they were, sex on legs as they walked through the room to prepare.

Marina had been assigned to Hoseok, since his pretty features and easily-styled hair would demand the least expertise. He had started the day in his usual bright, sunny air, joking and laughing with the staff, but his gaze turned more intense as the hours ticked by and Marina had to spend more time near him with her hands running over his face, neck, and body.

After going through the instructions with a senior stylist, Marina had a good idea of what needed to be done. She got to work, helping him apply lotion to his arms, chest, and face to make his skin glow, before applying a light base of foundation and beginning to straighten his hair. She wasn't the most efficient at using hair tools on others, so she giggled through a few awkward moments where her chest was too close to his face or having to untangle one or both of them from the cord, but his eyes only got darker and darker as he looked at her or watched her through the mirror. Marina was starting to feel like she was annoying him with her lack of experience.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, applying pomade to his hair to get the slicked look she was told to achieve, "I'll get better, I promise."

His eyebrows furrowed together, "What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry that I'm not very good at this yet," Marina gestured around their prep station, "But I promise I'm faster at makeup, so it should go faster from here."

She came around the front, pushing her fingers through his soft hair to spread the product, pushing it up and off his forehead as she bent forward into his space again. She set it where it needed to be, applying a few clips so it would be trained into place in time for the performance. Straightening up, her hip bumped the table and knocked a few items onto the floor. Marina gave him an apologetic smile, turning around and bending to pick up the tissue box and brushes from the floor.

"Mari," Hoseok groaned in frustration.

"I'm sorry, Hobi," she squeaked, embarrassed at her lack of professionalism, "I'll just go clean these brushes really fast and we can get going again."

The Devil Inside - BTSxOC - ***COMPLETED***Where stories live. Discover now