Like a moth to the flame

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                Lhori stepped out of the portal holding Noah's hand. Lucifer was already waiting for them, his face solemn and annoyed, his arms crossed on his chest. Next to him was Beel, looking at the newcomer suspiciously. Noah looked around curiously, but his smile faded, and his eyes narrowed as he looked at two demons. You could cut the tension with a knife.

Lhori smiled nervously and let go of Noah's hand.

"Welcome to Devildom, Noah," she chirped.

"Your demons don't look very welcoming," he said, keeping his eyes on Lucifer.

"Some of us don't believe your intentions are pure," Lucifer said coldly.

"Oh? What am I going to do? Assault you in the middle of your city?" demon hunter scoffed.

"Oh, I'd love to see you try..."

"Ok, can we please just drop the staring contest?" Lhori interrupted, annoyed.

"Right, let's get to business then," said Lucifer. "Beel, search him for weapons."

"Lucifer! Is that really necessary?" she protested.

"You aren't expecting me to let in an armoured demon hunter, are you?"

"Why would he bring a weapon here?"

Beel approached Noah, and he raised his arms without complaint. The demon started to pick up several daggers conveniently concealed out of sight.

"See?" said Lucifer looking at her triumphantly.

"Noah!" she gasped. "I told you: no weapons!" He looked at her with a smirk.

"You really expected me to come to the demon world without any weapon?"

"And what were you planning to do with those little knives, hmm?" mocked Lucifer.

"I can show you if you want," Noah growled.

"Enough!" Lhori shouted. "All of you! No one is going to fight here, is that clear?!" Demons and the man nodded still exchanging angry stares. "Good. Lucifer, Beel, I believe you have other matters to attend to? I'm taking Noah to show him his apartment and then we'll proceed with the tour. So, let's get going everyone!" she rushed them.

Lucifer put a heavy hand on Noah's arm.

"You have three days here, demon hunter," he said, his voice low and menacing. "Lay a finger on her, and you're not getting out alive."

"Lucifer! That's enough!" Lhori protested. Noah only held his gaze, his head high. "Come on! We are going." Lhori took the man's elbow and pulled him away from Lucifer.

They walked down the street toward her old apartment.

"Charming boyfriend you have there," Noah said gloomily.

"He grows on you," she replied shrugging.


"Wow, it's crowded," said Noah while they were walking through RAD's halls.

"Yes, it is!" Lhori was beaming with pride. "Have you noticed that we have demons, humans and angels here? You can't really see much difference, do you?"

"Well, they all look... like ordinary students," he admitted.

"Exactly! Because that's who they are. At RAD it doesn't matter which world you belong to. Everyone is welcome as long as they are open-minded."

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now