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Alfred aka America had been dating his long time boyfriend Arthur or England for 5 years and there relationship had been perfect. Well as perfect as it could be. They had rough patches but they always got over them. And sure Arthur would hit Alfred every so often but after Alfred apologized a few times Arthur would stop.... Sometimes Arthur would skip the hitting and just leave for a week or so then come back and have make up s*x with Alfred. But all this was normal... right? Alfred woke up to Arthur cuddled up onto his chest which was a little painful because he had a fresh bruise Arthur gave him last night there. But if he moved him he's probably get another back and blue and he couldn't risk a black eye because they had a meeting that day. Alfred got up trying his best not to wake up Arthur but he did resulting in insults and kicks. Alfred smiled threw up but felt a wave of sickness come over him. He rushed to the bathroom and puked his guts out. "Get your ass over here you can pig we have to go, and don't stink up the bathroom again!" Arthur yelled. Now that he looked in the mirror Alfred could see Arthur was right even though he had been throwing up he was gaining weight. Alfred dragged himself to the kitchen, clutching his stomach. "Hey dude I don't feel great." Alfred said to Arthur. "Oh suck it up you git you look fine." This was far from the truth as Alfred was pale, sweaty and terrible looking. He nodded and just followed England. When they got to the meeting building Canada or Mattie ran up to him. "Alfie are you ok?" He asked, worried. "Not really a threw up today and I've been gaining weight for a while now." He sighed. "Let's go to the doctor together after this meeting, k?" Alfred nodded.

~After the meeting~
Mattie went up to Alfred after the meeting and poked him because he had fallen asleep. "H-huh Artie I'm sorry don't hit me." Alfred raised  his hands above his head protectively. "Alfie it's just me. Is everything alright with you and England?" Canada seemed very concerned. "Nah I'm find bro!" Alfred popped up and walked out of the building. "Let's go to the doctors," Canada said as the two got a taxi. The whole taxi ride to the doctors office was silent. Afterwards, they paid the taxi driver and went into the doctors office and met with the doctor that specialized in treating nations who sat Alfred down on a bench. "So what are your symptoms?" The doctor asked. Alfred explained his nausea, weight gain, and appetite increase which he hadn't told Mattie about. "Hmmm take this taste," she handed Alfred a pink stick and told him to pee on it, which he thought was really weird. After he was finished the doctor told them to wait a while and then got the results. "Congrats your pregnant!" The doctor exclaimed. Alfred was just in shock. He didn't know whether to be excited or nervous, first was his baby even alive... Arthur had hit his stomach a awful lot, second if it was how would Arthur react. It was common knowledge male nations could get pregnant but still. "Ummm can Mattie leave for a sec I have to ask the doctor something private." He asked and Canada reluctantly left. "Sooo first how do you know it's still alive?" Alfred asked. "Why wouldn't it be alive?" The doctor asked. Alfred sighed and lifted up his shirt to show bruises, fresh bruise on his stomach. "Oh my gosh! Who did this to you?!" The doctor asked. "It's private." The doctor sighed. "Well lay on your back we have to do a  ultrasound..." she grumbled. She took out some gel and a machine with a wand on it. "This might hurt and it will be cold." She put the freezing gel on America's stomach and looked worried for a bit and then smiled. "Well you seem to be one month pregnant and the baby survived all the damage. And as long as it isn't damaged more and you aren't put under any stress it'll be fine." "Oh thank god." Alfred sighed. "You can come back in Mattie he shouted, pulling down his shirt. "So is everything ok?" Canada asked. "Everything is more than ok! I'm one month pregnant and the baby is healthy." Alfred exclaimed as they walked out of the hospital. "How are you going to tell Arthur?" Canada asked. "I dunno I'll probably tell him today when I get home." Alfred spent the rest of the day happier than he had been in years as he and Mattie discussed baby names. Around 3 pm he got tired however and decided to go home. He knocked on the front door and no one answered so he just went in. It was silent except a few noises from the bedroom. He shrugged it off as Arthur being weird. "Hey dude I'm-" he walked in on Arthur naked on top of Francis( France) naked. "A-Amerique!" Francis exclaimed hiding himself under some blankets. Arthur seemed to have no emotion in his face. "We're breaking up, I don't love you, I never have and never will. You are a clingy, fat worthless pig! Why do you think I hit you?!" Arthur shouted surprising even Francis. "How long have you-" Alfred chokes back a sob. "Right after we started, now get out of my house you slut." Arthur glared at Alfred who ran out and immediately called Mattie. "So how'd it go?" Mattie asked only just hearing Alfred cry. "L-l-lets talk about it in person." His voice was so shaky, so brittle, and so broken like a twig in the wind.

Breakups and babiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon