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Just... bear with me and answer the questions. TvT

Comment on the question thread, thank you!


①. Do you want your character to have a 'POV' in the beginning? If so, long or short? 

②. Do you want immediate love interests blooming or not? 

③. Any preferences on how they appear? 

④. What would you prefer for them to say when they first appear?

⑤. What is their reaction to being 'kidnapped'? (Sorry iamconfusion34, the other peeps want kidnapping so...)

⑥. In what way did they get 'kidnaped?' (How did *******  and ******** -names secret for now- lure them or bring them onto the train/van?)

⑦. Any 'special cases'? (Ex: In my first zodiac applyfic there was a demon on Earth and they had to go and get him)

⑧. Where did your zodiac live? 

⑨. What excuse would you like ****** and ****** to give to the parents for kidnapping the children temporarily? (It would be nice if you all talked and had one unanimous decision)

①⓪. Any part-time jobs? If so, do you want them to play a big part in the story, medium, or small?

①①. Can your zodiac drive? If so, how? (Wildly over the speed limit all the time, like a granny, following the rules like a hawk, constantly pissed at others for being too slow, etc.)

①②. Pet peeves? Easily panics? How do they feel about being a zodiac and working with the others?

①③. How much do they know about mythology? (Any kind works)

①④ . Any particular person you'd like them to fight/have an antagonistic relationship with? (Answer this after the first chapter is done) Or this could just be done based on the stereotypes you guys find. ^v^'


That's it for the first round-and that's only for the first few chapters. As you can see, I care very much about getting things as precise and correct as possible-and I have two applyfic's worth of experience now! Hooray!

Thank you all for not screaming at me by now. I really appreciate it. 

Darkblaze450NothingtoseeKatHD, how's it going? No rush of course. x_Quack_x, et tu? (My French attempt LOL) I REPEAT, NO RUSH, but just pop in to tell me if you need help, more time, etc.

Can't wait to see what y'all come up with!




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