𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓... 𝕴 𝖌𝖔𝖙 𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉!

106 13 42

Okay peeps, so I first got tagged by GriffinQ, then by Darkblaze who I will not tag since they don't like being tagged. 

Let's do this.

Let's do this

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1. What's the being behind your nickname?

My username @jimmyandthebadge4eva kind of was an accident. It's from a podcast I really love, Six Minutes, and I thought it'd be a password or somethin' when I first typed it in but then I was like "IT'S MY USERNAME?!" and was going to change it but honestly it's grown on me and it's not worth having to stay off of Wattpad for 24 hours just to change it. 

As for awakened-angel-chan, that just kind of... happened. How I don't exactly know how but I like it so that's that.

And if you wanted to know about who's typing all this stuff, well I'll tell ya-a young person with a crazy mind and needs to shape up sometime or later.

2. If you could change your name what would it be?

Nah, I wouldn't. I'm the type of person that has a hard time letting go of anything-be it books or even tearing off a scab- which includes my name. Besides like I said my username and title have grown on me considerably. ^v^

3. Favorite book on Wattpad

I don't choose favorites, sowwy and it depends on what I'm into at the moment.

4. Favorite author on Wattpad

Again I don't like favorites but I like iamconfusion34GriffinQ, and Darkblaze currently a lot. The rest of you I like too, rest assured!

5. Current lock screen

My mom's phone and mine are connected so I can't change it unless she sees it but it's a buncha birch trees in the wintertime on ice... I think. (Is the lock screen the first one you see or the second...???)

6. Celebrity crush

I watch like, Z E R O T.V. so I don't have one. (All my crushes are in anime and stuff like that, because I have learned that how guys looked like in the movie... they don't always look like that in real life.)

7. Have you ever gotten kissed

Nope. Except for like, parently kisses that we all get when we're babies... though I don't think that counts ha ha ^v^'

8. Do you have any phobias or fears

- Deathly afraid of being left being/alone/loneliness

- The dark (working on that one)

- guys wearing pig masks

- spiders or any big bugs in general trying to attack me

- disappointing/burdening others around me

9. Dream job

Well for now my goal in life is to have a STABLE life with a STABLE income and a STABLE job... then when that's accomplished I might become a writer. But who knows.

10. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?

Uh... check back with me in like, ten years. Then again I might be single for the rest of my life because writing is my only love right now (excluding anime and books and etc.)

11. Sexuality

A proud pansexual/bisexual/gra/eysexual person! Not really sure if non-living people count to be honest...

12. Zodiac sign

A proud Taurus! 

13. Fav song

I don't like choosing favorites again but I do like

- Enemies by Lauv

- Without Me by Halsey

- I'll Be Good by James Young

- Black Sea by Natasha Blume

- If I Could Tell Her from Dear Evan Hansen

- You Will Be Found from Dear Evan Hansen

Annnnnd a ton more. Songs from animes I like or represent them are especially touching to my heart.

14. Current obsessions

Bungou Stray Dogs, Phantom Paradise, thinking too far ahead in my applyfic, re-reading chapters from books I like here repeatedly, re-reading character forms repeatedly, WEBTOON, WEBCOMICS, Dazai/Chuuya fanfics... the list goes on and on.

15. Tag 15 users!

Ugh... okay guys sorry.
















Y'all don't have to do this tag if ya don't wanna. Sorry if this was bothersome. *bows apologetically*

And um... I guess that's it! 

Thanks for tuning in and see ya all hopefully soon!


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