𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆: Welcome (in more ways than one)

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Dusk, I hope you're happy, I think I burned myself out with stress trying to finish this chapter. *le dies* Enjoy!

"A Chinese zodiac applyfic, Act 1, Scene 3!"



"Here are your dorms."

The zodiacs found themselves in front of a grand dorm room. More like a mansion, but they all decided to bypass that. After an unprecedented kidnapping, the sudden revelation of being generations-old zodiacs, then announcing they would have to train and go to school, it was no wonder they were feeling a bit... frazzled at the moment.

On the car ride there (yes, surprisingly, October could drive and he found a car that miraculously fit all of them), they received a call from Emp. "School will start in two days! After school, you'll meet Cal and Ea and they'll guide you to your training place. Good luck~!"

Then he hung up.

Apparently, he thought he had the guts to do so, because the poor phone ended up dead, then resurrected by magic.

"All of our phones are touched by magic, so that even if they get broken, they'll reassemble," October explained as he maneuvered nervously through the busy car-filled streets. From where Emp had dropped them off and to their dorm room was a staggering one-hour drive. "We learned that lesson after the phone deity actively filed a complaint of phones getting destroyed too often."

"That's useful," Everyone-who-had-broken-at-least-one-phone-because-they-were-pissed muttered, thinking to how many phones they had subjected to torture because of that.

"Yes, it is. December in particular likes the spell, helps him whenever February gets too much on his nerves," October said absentmindedly as he turned onto a new highway. "February's a sweetheart, but he really does love teasing everyone and watching them combust in a fit of anger..."

"They sound like absolute darlings," Nadia said sarcastically.

"Yes, they are, when they're not trying to slit each other's throats," October said. "OI, THAT TURN WAS ILLEGAL!" He honked the horn in a fit of anger. "Honestly, it would've been easier to take my car, because then they'd all part for us, but that one doesn't fit fourteen..."

"Um, so..." Partly to change the subject, and partly just because he was curious, Barry spoke up, "What's up with the Months? If I get it right, there's a male... and a female Month for each... floor?"

"That's right," October confirmed, relaxing as an easy topic settled. "We're all kind of one big family. That just so happens to not be in very good relations most of the time-last I checked, September, hmm, she was fighting with August, who, if I recall right, was arguing about womens' rights with January... or was it March?"

"That sounds horrible," Evon said earnestly. "I hate it when my siblings fight too."

"It's normal," October answered, swerving to avoid a car. "WHAT IS WITH THESE PEOPLE- Ahem, sorry..."

"I think that I shall like this country," Nagini said as more honking ensued. 

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"No, of course not, why would I be-YES, YOU IDIOT, OF COURSE I'M BEING SARCASTIC."

"Well, sorry!"


"Hey, can I call you sensei?" Vinh abruptly asked Chaol, who choked. "What?!"

"Well, I heard you know how to snap necks," Vinh confessed. "And I'd really like to learn. So, can I? Pleaaaaase?"

Hi Yes We're The Chinese Zodiacs And We Totally Exist (A Sorta-Zodiac Applyfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant