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Thank god I saw that woman in one of our offices close to her house there was CCTV and audio the audio saved me. Why because if you look at the tape without audio she was very upset. The more I spoke to her the more upset she became. She was a liar and the tape proved it.

Alex decided to pick me up after work he kissed me in reception when he saw me. I introduced him to James our receptionist who I knew would spread the news about us around the building. James quietly ask me if Alex had a brother I told him yes but he's into women.

I called mum and told her the good news on my way home. It's a shame that woman by lying will most likely lose the unsupervised access with her child she craved so much. I go home to find my family in the living room and a great smell coming from the kitchen.

"Great news our lad you're in the clear, Nick has done some food for us. We thought we would celebrate your good news", says uncle Fred. My family stayed till ten o'clock when I kick them out.

I got a text message from Nora she wants me to call her it's important. When I called her diary I was not prepared for what she said to me. She will testify about what she saw when I asked her why.

She said, "I will not be blackmailed I spent too long living in fear when I was with your dad. I refuse to give away my power again".


Nora has testify when I asked her what she meant by blackmail she turned to be and said.

"Check your place for bugs someone has been listening in on your conversations".

Alex calls Natalie since she would know about stuff like that. We get Becca from mums and explain about our place being bugged. Someone from the Manor House security team went and check our house and found seven bugs. They were everywhere from our bedroom to the kitchen.

We all tried to workout who would planted them we know it wasn't a member of our family. Elliot didn't like Alex but he wasn't verse in technology enough to know what a bug is much less plant one.

Then I remembered Amy was in the house but that was over six months ago. Wait didn't she tried to get back in the house. "The bugs would have been planted before we got CCTV", I say.

"It was kinda weird love Amy turning up out of the blue when she did and you did mention the court case to her", my mum says to the room. "Maybe she's the one blackmailing Nora we should check the back rooms of the pub for bugs. If I wanted details for whatever reason I would put a bug there as well".

It out the pub was bugged as well diary we got in touch with the police. They came and took the evidence away.

There was a lot of things going through my mind would Becca want to go back to Nora's now she has testified. Did Amy lie about her mother's abuse and wow people have listed to me and Alex have sex a lot.

Funnily I wasn't worried about what I said about the case so much, I was always consistent about what Steve did. I just didn't know why Amy would do that your ex-boyfriend don't want you move on. Is revenge so important to her that she would try to mess up a case to let a child abuser go free.


We've changed the locks in the house again only mum, Alex and Becca and I have a key. It's a big day it's the last day before the verdict. I didn't go into work I went to court for the summing up of the case. Alex was with me along with mum and Teddy. Becca wanted to come but she had school I'm glad she's in a private school and they're looking out for her.

She doesn't want to go back to living with her mum and I'm really glad of that because I've loved having her in my life again. I don't want to lose her now.

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