The End

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We decided to stay in Dubai as it was a treat for Becca for doing well in her exams. James informed the hotel security they may be issues arising.


Amy got in touch with us her sister didn't know Lucy. I ask her if she knew where Katie worked when she lived here. Instead of answering who's Katie she said for daddy's company she confessed she knew who she was all along.

Her sister introduced her to Katie and through talking to her Amy was able to get information from her about the baby. When she realised what was happening she helped Katie to get back to America safely so I would get my child. Amy didn't want me parted from my child she said life owes me for the bad start it gave me.

We decided to let Lucy go when we arrive home. We couldn't really trust what Amy said about knowing her. I was grateful she made sure I got my baby but I was burn by her before.


It's over the police got Mrs Tate and the sister with a screw loose and Ethan Stammer. It turns out Mrs Tate didn't enjoy getting fired and tried to set the house on fire. She was caught and decided to talk to see if she could get a lighter sentence. Ethan got in touch with Steve when Amy told him about my abuse and agreed to help him beat his charge by making me look bad.

When Ethan found Amy's revenge list they decided to frame her by making me think she was out to get me. Ethan and Steve belonged to a pedophille ring Ethan knew if I spent any time with his daughter and her son. There was a good chance William would open his mouth about his abuse. He needed us hating each other and his other daughter was in on it too.

She willingly helped her father framed her sister at first because she hated her. When she saw Alex she wanted him for herself and me out the way. Mrs Tate didn't know about the ring part she just saw it as helping her daughter out who wanted something and she didn't say no to the spoil brat.

Katie and Nora told us they were told to imply it was Amy behind everything when speaking to me or Alex. Katie was paid to come to London and was hunted for all the money the ring paid for her expenses. She apparently stole from the company before she left and had no brother. They did kill her mother though after her phone call to us.

Amy got in touch with us after Alex and I no longer had to look over our shoulder. Her father isn't her real father she was elated hearing the news. Her mother had letters she sent to a friend for safekeeping to be given to her should her father be arrested or die. The friend's daughter gave it to Amy it had details of the players in the ring and the people affected.

Her mother said she met and fell in love with a man and got pregnant for him. Ethan never knew the truth Amy told me she met her real father's family and her mother's. Something she was never allowed to do before. she now had the support system in place she and her son desperately needed.

Now I know why she had no family apart from Ethan and her son. I felt bad that during their three year relationship. Alex saw her about 11 times total not counting when they move to Menden. I was glad she had a support system for her and her son now.

We ask Lucy if she would come back to work for us with a payraise. We didn't tell her we fired her because we didn't trust her. Just that things got too dangerous for a while there but everyone involved have been arrested and won't be seeing the outside of a prison cell for a long time, if ever.

Luckily for us she came back we told Becca we didn't have to look over our shoulders anymore. She ask if it meant James and Drew were fired I told her we would keep them on as wealthy people tend to need them.


So much as happen since I last wrote in you diary I now work as a private social worker. I choose the hours I work which means I get to spent more time with Arthur. Alex and I are expecting a baby girl in six months, mum and Teddy got married and are expecting a child.

I never thought I would write this but Ellliot and Alex are being polite to each other. Elliot was there when Ms Tate starting pouring gasoline on our house he saw her lighting the match to start the flames. Seeing that someone could hate Alex so much they wanted to kill him. Made Elliot take stock and realise his behaviour had to stop.

There was no way he could resolve having hate in his heart like that and not think he and that woman weren't that different. He apologised publicly to Alex in the pub and confess to his family in private about hitting him. Abbey and Mathew started spending more time with their brother no longer afraid of upsetting their father. Alex was still closer to Jamie and Natalie out of all his siblings.

Alex was still working at the local hospital and Paul and I still keep in touch . When everyone was arrested we all testified at the trial including Nora who still wanted nothing to do with any of us. I found out what Paul did for a living I thought he worked in admin or management or something. It turns out when people send their manuscripts into a publishing house he's the one who says yes I'll publish that or rejects it.

One night when he was telling me about his big new job in charge of the true life division of a company. He asked me if I would consider telling my story.


"It's been over five years since I first returned to Menden. I have a four year old son and a three year old daughter. My sister is seventeen and I'm closer to thirty than twenty. I feel old I took Paul up on his offer to write about my life but I didn't want to sugar coat it or gloss over the bad parts. Or make it a book those weirdos that like to read abuse books could salivate over and get off on.

After talking with Alex I decided to make the book my diary entries from leaving university till three years ago. I would leave some stuff out for legal reasons. But I wanted it to be a warts and all book. With the spelling mistakes I made while writing it kept in. I figured since the book would be all about how I coped and picked myself back up after my biggest fears came through. My mistakes spelling or otherwise was a big part of it.

The book to my surprise sold a lot and was number one on the best sellers list in many countries. I started getting letters from people who went through the same things as me. I started a book tour and people came to see and my confidence grow and my public speaking became better I think".

Cassie finish talking and watch the audience as they listen to her. "It's now time for the question and answer part of the evening".

A woman put up your her hand, "Yes you what's your question?"

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