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We left the café and I thank Lucy for distracting Becca. We went to the police station and showed them the picture of the curry house guy. When we got home I put Miles in his crib he had fallen asleep on the ride home. I called Amy she tells me her father is out on bail and she has nothing to do with him anymore.

"Cassie there's a money trail that I've been following. I think my father is the one making things difficult for you".

"Do you have a sister?"  I ask her.

"I know my father has another daughter but we're not close. We have different mothers".

I knew what I wanted to ask her I steeled myself to ask it, "Amy two woman I knew was approached by a woman who's descriptions matches yours. Again are you involve in all this please tell me how you knew about my son's existence. I can't trust you if you're not honest with me", I say to her.

"I think it was my half sister she's not mentally stable and at times hated me because I was that man's favourite. "Oh god", she started to cry I knew what she was thinking.

I give her time to compose herself, "I was wrong for what I did to you and Alex and wasn't thinking straight when I was planning my revenge. She must have found the plans I made. I just don't know where my dad fits into all this".

"I think you should give the police what you have so far on your father and tell them what you just told me. Oh and Amy thank you for telling me the truth finally and for helping us. How's William doing?"

"He's in therapy and we're waiting for a trial date Cassie he doesn't like being in this house".

"If a lot of the abuse happened there the house is a reminder of it everytime he steps through the door. You need to move someplace new where you can both start to make new memories away from Ethan".

She clears her throat, "Do you thing William will ever get over this. I mean look at you Cassie you're so strong, you're the role model I want him to look up to".

"It's different for each person I can't give you an answer. Every victim need to find their own individually way of healing from theirs scars. Love him Amy till he starts to believe it. Be honest with him so he knows it's okay to be honest with you. 

Ask him about his friends find out if he's into anything he shouldn't be. When the trial is over please think about the fact you're living somewhere where you have no family support or real friends. Tell William if he needs to talk he can call me and Amy watch him. He's a kid who's vulnerable. There will be people willing to take advantage of him. When this comes out both adult and kids".

"Thank you for the advice Cassie I was thinking the other day that even dating for me will not be the same again. I've been reading there are men who date women to get close to their kids".

"It wasn't a stranger that abused your son Amy it was your father".

"I understand what you're saying I'll support William. Hearing my son admit he thought of killing himself or taking a life chilled me to the bones. Don't you worry I'll make sure my father is not only charge for what he did to my son but to you guys".

"Thank you".

We end the call and I really hoped that Amy was the strong support her son needs. I hear Alex shouting he was home and walk downstairs to greet him. We have a bath together later and he tells me about his day and I tell him about the phone call with Amy.

"She never mention a sister in the three years I dated her".

"Well if you read between the lines I get the feeling she probably would have tried to get you away from her. While making sure she looked exactly like said sister".

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