Chapter 6

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Kunal and Abir entered from the main door and found the house getting decorated. Perhaps some function was going to held. They ignored and went towards their room. On their way, when they passed the girls' room, they heard Mishti's sob and Kuhu giving her water. Mishti wiped her tears and took it.

They entered their own room and tried to recollect, if Mishti was crying because of them. But they couldn't recall any conversation with the sisters after their last confrontations. Just then the servant entered the room and kept two sherwanis. He says that they have to wear this in evening function.

"What's in evening?" Kunal asked.

"Don't you know?" he asked surprised. " Its Mishti madam's engagement tonight."

"Sorry! What?" Abeer and Kunal asked in unison assuming if they misheard.

"Its Mishti madam's engagement today!" he repeated and left.

Kunal and Abir looked at each other. Kunal kept his hand on Abir's shoulder. He couldn't control and hugged his brother and tears started rolling down.


Mishti was ready wearing her engagement gown. She was sitting on the dressing table adjusting her hair. She looked in the mirror. Yes, she was going to be engaged. It was her big day, but she was not at all happy.

"Why are you doing this, Mishti?"

She looks through the mirror and found Kuhu standing, almost dressed.

"What do you mean?" she pretended as if she was unable to understand anything.

"You know very well what I am talking about!" She said angrily. She knew very well how much Mishti loved Abir.

"No need to shout at me!" Mishti yelled back as she got up. She noticed Kuhu taken aback and held her shoulder.

"Listen, Kuhu. I know what I am doing. You don't worry. It's really important for us. For all of us. To make everything alright, I have to do this. I have to marry him." She said wiping Kuhu's tears.

Just then they heard the door being opened and Abir entered fuming in anger.

"What the hell is this, Mishti?" he said coming straight to her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she said in equal anger.

"First you tell me, what's this engagement drama and all?" he asked shaking her, holding her shoulders.

"Excuse me!" Mishti threw his hands in air. "It's not any drama, it's my engagement in some hours."

"You.." he then saw Kuhu standing and stopped himself, looking at the ground. Kuhu understood his gesture and went out of the room. Abir locked the door.


Kuhu walked to the kitchen, she was only thinking about Abir and Mishti's condition. Unmindfully she held the hot utensil of milk with her bare hand.

"Aah!!" she screamed in pain.

Kunal came running.

"Kuhu...! What are you doing? Be careful." He takes her near the basin and rinses cold water on her hand. She keeps looking at him with adoration. He wiped water from her hand with his hanky. He smiled at her. Just then Kuhu realized him holding her hand. She moved back in a jerk.

"Go away, Kunal. Leave from here." She said in a low voice.


"Don't increase my difficulties. You please go from here." She pleaded.

"You are increasing my difficulties Kuhu not I. On one hand you try to break my heart, and hurt yourself on the other. Why?" he asked.

"You gave me many things, you taught me many things. Love, relation, belief, promise but Kunal, you gave me one thing more... Betrayal. " she turned her face.

Kunal felt a tear running down his cheek. He wiped it.

"Kuhu, I..."

"I always wished I should be like you in everything. In loving, keeping up relations, and keeping promise too. But I don't want to learn how to betray others, Kunal I don't want." She almost cried.

Kunal felt helpless, but he can't risk her any more. He gained courage somehow.

"Fine! If you learned keeping promise from me, then why are you not keeping it up? You promised to me that you will always stay with me, you will never leave me, and now you are breaking your promise."

"I learnt that too from you. You have broken your promise at first. If you can break your promise then why can't I?" she demanded.

"For this mistake only, your love finished for me?" he asked looking straight into her eyes.

She turned her face away and closed her eyes. Tears started rolling down.

"Kuhu, Please don't cry. I can't see tears in your eyes." He said trying to wipe them away.

She didn't let him touch her.

"Stay away!" she warned. "These tears are because of you only. You hurt me Kunal! You are the reason behind my tears!"


"What the..." Mishti tried to speak when Abir locked the door but she stopped when he pinned her against the wall.

"Why are you doing this? You love me, have always loved me. You are mine Mishti.. you.." he said but Mishti didn't let him complete.

She pushed him with all her force.

"Stop it, Abir!" she yelled. "For God sake, stop it! It was you who left me to die for 2 years, I spent 2 years alone, I never contacted you, what else do you want!?!"


"Don't you dare come near me!" she warned. "Listen, I am going to get engaged today, don't spoil my mood!"

"But, you loved me!" he said innocently.

"Exactly!" she said waving her hand in air. "I loved you! Not anymore! Today, I love Rohan."

"hold on! Wait a sec! what did you say? You loved me, but today love that f***** b******!"

"Mind your language, Abir!" she pointed her finger at him.

He held her finger.

"You know what, Mishti? This makes two senses. 1st, you don't know what is love, or 2nd, you are misusing the word!" he kept his hold tight on her finger while she tried her best to get rid of him.

"Listen, let go of me first!" he left her finger. "What is love, that I don't need to learn, not from you at least! And of misusing, you have misused me Mr. Rajvansh, and now, lecturing me on love?"

"I am not lecturing you, damn it!" he yelled.

"You know that am not afraid of your anger." She said in a loud whisper.

Abir sighed.

"Fine! But get one thing stuck in your thick skull that, if I have loved you truly, then you will come back to me, in front of your So-called new boyfriend, that too without any effort done by me. And trust me, tumhara break up, toh main kara k rahunga. Miss Mishti Aggarwal!"

"Let's see, how my hatred lets you come near me!" She challenged.

"Let's see, how my love lets you stay away from me!" he accepted it.

to be continued...

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