Chapter 26

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They returned back to India, and decided to stay in Mumbai because Mishti's treatment was going on there.

Abir was quite restless. He had promised himself that he wouldn't let anything happen to Mishti or their baby and also, that he will handle her, after breaking the complexity to her but none of the two tasks seemed easy to him.

After strolling in the room for almost an hour, sometimes sitting on the rocking chair and closing his eyes and sometimes, trying to find some information on google. His heart and mind, both weren't at ease at all. He didn't know what to do. From where to begin, how to proceed and this uncertainty was increasing his restlessness.

Finally, he decided to share it with his brother. He himself was utterly confused and in such a state, he thought that he won't be able to handle and comfort Mishti. Sharing with Kunal might relieve him, he thought. Besides, he wanted Kuhu to be with Mishti and not leave her alone, at a time when she was going through so much, physically, as well as emotionally. Mishti needed him, but she also needed Kuhu beside her. And it would be better if Kunal inform about it to her, he decided.

Kunal was busy with his laptop when Abir entered the study.

"Nanko," he called and Kunal looked up to him.

"Hey, Bhai come." He pulled a chair for him. "You can't imagine how good it feels hearing that from you."

Abir smiled at him.

"What's wrong?" Kunal asked as he sensed something strange in the smile.

Abir gained some courage and narrated the whole conversation with the doctor to Kunal, whose reaction was very much similar to that of him. Images of Mishti teasing him, running, laughing, singing, dancing, playing pranks on him, taking care of him everything moved in front of his eyes as he tried to comprehend what Abir was telling him. He was also in a state of complete shock and it was next to impossible for him to imagine his brother and best friend's life in such a terrible crisis.

"We will do something, Bhai." Though he was himself tensed, Kunal still assured Abir that they will find a way to solve this. "But for now, you have to just take care of Mishti and slowly but shortly, try to tell her about this."

Mishti's heart ached and her eyes started to be moist. She couldn't figure out anything to do after the conversation that she had just heard. She came out in search of Abir and ended up hearing everything. She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds, to compose herself. How could life be so harsh on her? Is there no happiness in her fate? What has destiny stored in for her? A ocean of questions started crowding her mind. She lost her balance and the vase beside the table fell down.

Both the brothers looked towards the intruding sound and became shocked seeing Mishti. She left the place as soon as her eyes met Abir's.

"Mishti..." Abir followed her while Kunal looked on.


Kuhu was sitting on the bed, removing her bangles. Her open hair, her big, beautiful and shining eyes made Kunal's heart skip a beat as soon as his eyes fell on her when he entered his room. With his gaze fixed on her, he took the slow steps to reach near her.

She was so absorbed that she didn't notice his presence initially. But as soon as he reached near the bed, she knew that he was there. She didn't even have to look up to see him, her heart told her of his presence. She could feel the warmth of his gaze on her. It was now her heart's turn to skip a beat or two. She looked up and smiled at him.

Though Kunal's mind was still stuck in deep thoughts, yet he tried to appear as normal and composed as he could. He gave her a weak smile but didn't say anything. There was something in his eyes, on his face, that seemed out of place to Kuhu. She was getting perturbed by his silence. She tried to study his expressions but he was successful in hiding the real facts from her.

"What happened, Kunal?" She asked keeping the bangles on the table. "You want to say something?"

He just moved his head but not in a particular way. Kuhu noticed his uneasiness and got down from the get to stand in front of him. She knew that her husband was worried about something.

"Was it a tiring day?" She asked caressing his hair putting her hands around his neck.

He looked back at her and tried to smile.

"A little. You tell me, did you miss me?" He asked in his husky voice, tilting his head slightly towards her.

He didn't want to bring the topic right away. He decided to wait for the right time and thus, tried to divert the talk to some normal territory. Kuhu pulled him towards the bed and made him to sit. She sat beside him and put her head on his shoulder.

"I missed you, but you know what? I am both happy and sad for Mishti. She is going to experience the most beautiful feeling in the world. She is going to have a baby. But at the same time, she has to fight for her life. I really don't get what's happening with us."

"Yes, she has to choose one of them."

As soon as he registered his own words, he knew that he had made a blunder. A huge blunder. This wasn't the way he wanted to talk to her, tell her but the words were said, they slipped out his tongue and nothing could be done now. Hoping against hope, he was just praying that Kuhu hadn't noticed what he had said but luck didn't favour him here.


Abir entered his room and saw Mishti shading tears, sitting on the bed.

"There is an other way, right?" She asked as soon as she saw him. "You would save both of us, wouldn't you Abir?"

Abir couldn't control himself and turn his back towards her. Tears didn't stop neither her unanswerable questions.

"Abir, why are you quiet? Why aren't you saying anything? Say that our baby will be fine, say that we will be a happy family. Say it, Abir!" She requested again and turned him to face her.

She clutched his shirt, a little beneath the collars in both her hands and shook him with all the force she had. Her body was fiercely trembling as she screamed again.

"Say it Abir, just say it!"

With this, she crashed to his chest. She broke down completely, and the barriers holding the dams finally broke. The whole room resounded with her loud cries.

Abir's tears refused to leave his eyes but he enveloped her completely in his arms. Finally, Mishti was taking it out; her mind had started accepting the fact and her heart was responding to it, making tears flow from her eyes, he thought.

For a long time, she clung to him as if her whole life depended on him. He constantly stroked her hair.

"We will find a way", he kept saying while she kept on crying and holding on to him.

What do you think will Abir do?

How will Kuhu react to the new revelation?

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